WATCH: Neturei Karta Takes Part In ‘Al-Quds Day’ Rally In NYC

As the enemies of the Jewish People continue efforts to destroy the State of Israel and its residents, members of fringe extremist Neturei Karta organization continue to seek and fine venues to stand aside the enemies of the Jewish People and speak out in favor of Israel’s destruction R”L, adding fuel to the fires of hate that exist.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. They are all hashems children and also tinuk shenishbah. We have to be “don lekaf zechus”. They don’t know any better.

  2. Why do you feel the need to keep posting videos of these crazy people?? What purpose is it serving on your website???

  3. If zionists shouldn’t speak on your behalf then please don’t speak on behalf of real Torah Jews. you are alone in your thoughts and you aren’t real Torah Jews. A real Torah Jew wouldn’t pick one mitzva (according to you that would be opposing Israel) and let it trump 300 others. Being good to your fellow Jew is so important that there are way more parshios and mitzvos related to it.

    Stop throwing Yor fellow Jew under the bus. I don’t care how much you hate them for their beliefs. Find room in your heart to stop hating A ZIONIST and start loving them as a person because they are a Jew. If you want to disagree with their outlook that’s fine, shivim panim letorah. Just stop throwing them under the bus.

    Thank you.

  4. Please see the rambam

    דעת ומחשבה
    ספר המדע הלכות דעות פרק ו הלכה ה
    כל השונא אחד מישראל בלבו עובר בל”ת שנאמר לא תשנא את אחיך בלבבך. סתם שהאסור שנאה לכל אחד מישראל, ודבר חדש פירש בסמ”ק (י”ח) שעיקר חידוש הפסוק בעובר עבירה, שאין בו מצות ואהבת לרעך כמוך שאינו רעך, ומ”מ הוא בכלל לא תשנא את אחיך בלבבך, שאפילו עוברי עבירה אסור לשנוא בלב, ולהראות לו פנים יפות .

  5. is yeshiva world also tinuk shenishbah to disseminate such hate. this is why they exist why are we contributing to this hate? t

  6. Mayer they are not tinok shenishba, nor are they hashems children. They are rodfim and are חייב מיתה. Please do not defend for one second what they are doing. They should be beaten and spat on. Shame on you for defending them.

  7. Sick human beings, I hope they live their lives in pain and in misery. It’s a shame Satmar does not stand up against them but again am I surprised.

  8. I wont even watch this garbage. You really should not give them the pleasure of taping and showing them. They want publicity and they shouldn’t get any.

  9. @mayer what are you talking about? You have to be don lcaf zvhus when theres something that possibly a question like seeing someone walkbour of mcdonalds…not when you see someone holding a sign that says kill our brothers.

  10. Can someone please explain why the wonderful gentleman is wearing a straimel on a regular workday in 100 degree heat. Does he believe he is at a wedding in his delusional mind?

  11. When Mashiach comes, the State of Israel will be gone real fast. So appending “R”L” to its destruction, is not quite correct, if for no other reason that that one.

    Not to mention that the heretical State of Israel is a tremendous ongoing Chilul Hashem of the highest order.

  12. Dear fellow Yidden,

    The Baal Shem Tov teaches us that all the negative we see in others is a reflection of a middah in us we must fix.

    Instead of blaming and judging we must introspect to find how we are connected to this?

    Are we maybe doing things in the name of Torah, in the name of Emet that are twisted and not really Emet?

    Are we in any way connecting to forces that are destructive?

    This could be in any way.

    The ikar is to fix ourselves and have complete Ahavat Israel. Then we will merit The Beit HaMikdash.

  13. As is the case with all broadcast media, every website that displays advertising has got to generate as many “eyes” on the site as possible to please the advertisers. Being a frum website, YWN follows certains restrictions about the type of material, stories, photos, etc. it is going to post on the site. And I am noting this as a positive, praiseworthy operating policy. This is the way a frum website should conduct itself. So, in a way, YWN wants to post “sensational” “shocking” even “outrageous” stories, photos, videos, mixed in with the rest, in order to attract as many “eyes on the website” as possible. And yes, this is to some degree legitimate, and is what nearly all ad-supported websites are doing. This is probably the reason for these and other kinds of attention grabbing headlines, articles, videos, etc. that appear on YWN. It is only a problem if there’s a question of transgressing an issur, something that a competent Talmid Chochom – Posek must decide.
    Now, to all the commenters who reply with fury against these NK characters, I wish to point out that while somehow we’d expect frum Jews to have a bit more sense (well, there are plenty of dumb Jews in the world), you should realize that they are saying much the same as many leftists in and outside of E.Y. Perhaps attempting to justify it al pi Torah is aggravating, but ultimately they are espousing more or less the same leftist rhetoric that the “Zionist” left believes in. So, the same fury and outrage should be expressed at secular leftists. Why are all those juicy epithets reserved only for NK? They are, after all, much smaller in numbers and influence than the secular leftists, who actually do real damage to Jewish security here in E.Y.

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