WATCH: Trump Calls Hillary A ‘World Class Liar’

6 Responses

  1. He’s 100% right she has been for many years. That’s why even though I’m not a trump fan it’s still ABC (Anyone But Clinton) so im voting for trump.

  2. Politifact found five false statements, one of which was a Pants on Fire lie, and one half truth here. In addition, there were numerous other misleading statements. For example Trump criticizes Clinton for supporting intervention in Libya (which she did) and for voting for the Iraq war (she did) but Trump supported both as well.

    The AP was more direct, calling this speech “rife with distortion”. Vanity Fair cited 8 out and out lies. CNN pointed out Trump’s hypocrisy at attacking outsourcing when he does it himself in his businesses, and found 11 false statements and 3 misleading ones. found 11 false or misleading statements.

    Trump lies so often that the factcheckers can’t even keep up!

  3. Look up a video in YouTube Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight and then we will talk.
    And yes at any rate is a case of pot calling kettle black.
    Still voting for trump over a traitor to U.S.A. or Israel.

  4. Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Herr Chump says whatever will be advantageous at the moment and has little regard for truth or facts.
    He is Hitler in waiting.

  5. Yes, they are both liars – they are politicians – but clinton is “world class” – we definitely have to be more weary of her.

  6. Moose613,

    Trump is more like Mussolini than Hitler. Trump isn’t personally anti-Semitic; he only incites other anti-Semites.


    Hillary gets caught in one or two lies a month. Trump says so many lies that the fact checkers can’t keep track of them all. If Clinton is “world class” then Trump is universe class!

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