SHOCK VIDEO: ‘Late Show’ Host Stephen Colbert Compares Trump To A NAZI By Drawing Swastika On National TV; Crowd Cheers

8 Responses

  1. I wonder if ywn was “shocked” when Glen Beck was comparing Obama to Nazism and Communism. Trump was insinuating that Obama is in cahoots with the terrorists

    And Colbert’s joke is that Donald is implying that Obama is a Nazi. But nice try

  2. Relax. He is a comedian making a satirical joke about the well known accusation that Trump is a racist. This is hardly “shock video”.

  3. Stephen Colbert has secret ties to Nazism, When people accuse & blame others for something they are usually guilty of something similar. The fact that he draws a Nazi symbol on National TV is showing his true colors.

  4. To: zehavaven

    May be Glen Beck was right by comparing Obama to Nazism and Communism. It is not a secret that Obama has radical Marxist background, being raised by American communists/terrorists Franc Marshal Davies and Bill Airs(yamach shmo). And as a true Nazi, Obama is activity working on Final Solution for the Jews (hs) by allowing Iran to develop their nukes,knowing well what these nukes are intended for.

  5. To MoisheInGolus

    I always wondered why my fellow chariedim are the largest consumers / peddlers of right wing conspiracies and memes
    But it’s a real embarrassment.

    YWN now has a story about what liberals in Williamsburg believe, I wonder when they will seek out people like you and post a video about it.

  6. zehavaven, remove your virtual reality googles from your head and experience the REAL world where people all around the world are killed by Muslim terrorists. What is happening in the REAL world is not “right wing conspiracies and memes”, but it may be in your VIRTUAL world.

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