WATCH: Palestinians In Jerusalem Celebrating Tel Aviv Terror Attack

4 Responses

  1. I really cant watch this, it is too nauseating. I wonder how long Israel will continue to tolerate this intolerable and despicable behavior. When are they going to lock out the arabs from all Israeli territory and send these monster animals where they belong.

  2. May the Arabs leave Eretz Yisroel and take The Hellenistic’s with them and may the land be full of Yidden who are Shomer Shabbos and Shomer Mitzvos speedily in our days

  3. This is the beggining of the end for the evil terrorists who murdered Yiddish Neshamos in Tel-Aviv. This is the beginning of the end for all terrorists. Starting on Shavuot 5776 the earth will open up wherever you and are and you will be swallowed whole! There will be numerous instances of this happening and it will make world headlines! It’s over for you hating murderers and oh yes the wild animals dancing in the streets celebrating – you will be eaten alive too! I really don’t know what to recommend for you at this crucial time. You had time to fix this – you had tme to repent. Now it is over.

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