WATCH: Boro Park Resident Explodes Into Rage At Sanitation Officers Doing Their Job By Enforcing Recycling Laws [VOLUME WARNING]

25 Responses

  1. The Sanitation Dept chose the day before Erev Pesach to check people’s recycling and give out summonses in Far Rockaway. It was the easiest thing in the world for them to find violations on that day – and I am sure they knew it. It took communication from our Assemblyman to get the Dept to stop. And it did, because it knew what it was doing was wrong and discriminatory. In this video, does the Sanitation officer have the right to open an opaque garbage bag to search for violations? I have no sympathy for these employees. Let them find other jobs. Nobody forced them to take on such a nasty, mean-spirited position.

  2. Very interesting instead of yelling at those that violate the law he yells at a civil servant.
    Problem is they think they are privledged and are above everyone else.
    Sad story

  3. No one should think they are right because when normal people put out garbage on a Friday afternoon they get tickets for putting it out to early & the concelman tries to help but fails against these sanitation workers they are wrong

  4. It is pretty clear that this individual has anger issues. His tone of voice, his talking down to the officers, and his stupid comments, clearly show his low IQ. I can see no beneficial reason to have aired this video.
    The Chillul Hashem created by this individual’s outburst, portrays the worst of our society.

  5. What in heavens name is this guy thinking?! There are laws and he is here to enforce them. The only way to enforce this particular law is to remove garbage from the bags! Comply with the laws and no one will get tickets.

  6. The sanitation department has every right to open your garbage bags and check if you are recycling properly.
    at the same time, you have the right to ignore the laws and pay the fines.
    its one thing when they nit pick and find one little item nit properly recycled.
    its another thing when people feel they are ABOVE the law, and don’t need to recycle.

  7. No one likes to receive a summons and and in fact I have contested every ticket I ever received since I was a teenager and I rage internally at the system that issues them but this person’s anger is misplaced and that’s the real tragedy. The agent is just a cog in the bureaucratic machine just doing his job. It’s the mayor and the sanitation commissioner that are responsible and its they he should direct his rage at. All he succeeded in doing is causing a chillul Hashem and receive the ticket. And he also came across as raving lunatic. I’ll wager he voted for Mr. de Blasio as mayor and never contacted his representatives and never attended a community meeting to vent his outrage there.

  8. the question…are they allowed to go into private property to check….before the garbage is put by the curb? …

  9. What’s the big deal to divide the garbage – why give them the excuse to give tickets – such a Chilul Hashem

  10. בכיסו, בכוסו, ובכעסו

    While in no way condoning this Yid’s unfortunate outburst, I’d like to point out that his language remained clean throughout.

    This would certainly not be the case in most sectors of society.

  11. No one likes to receive a summons and and in fact I have contested every ticket I ever received since I was a teenager and I rage internally at the system that issues them but this person’s anger is misplaced and that’s the real tragedy. The agent is just a cog in the bureaucratic machine just doing his job. It’s the mayor and the sanitation commissioner that are responsible and its they he should direct his rage at. All he succeeded in doing is causing a chillul Hashem and receive the ticket. And he also came across as raving lunatic. I’ll wager he voted for Mr. de Blasio as mayor and never contacted his representatives and never attended a community meeting to vent his outrage there.

  12. The video shows no proof of any misconduct by the officers. The only thing this video shows is proof of this man’s anger. It was foolish of him to publish it to social media, and useless too.

  13. From the audio alone, one would think this video was taken at the Brooklyn Zoo since all the noise is coming from one the chayahs. Then one realizes that the sound is coming from one of us and the anger sets in. How does the yiddeshe tzibur produce such defective individuals?? What a chillul hashem that this is circulating on social media. They should suspend all trash pickups to this person’s home indefinitely and let him drown in his own filth.

  14. Yes, he has anger issues!
    Yes his English portrays moronic, imbecillic, imbalanced behavior! So what?
    This is cruel! The tickets are high and the ticket writers are relentless. The city is taxing its citizens to death! Next comes the 5 cent bag tax. The penalties are also ridiculously high. We are struggling to make a living!! The police departments announce in advance when they’re intending to conduct a compliance crackdown. These guys did not. This is cruel and this guy is yelling because it hurts. When it hurts you scream!
    And that’s not to condone his ridiculous outburst but to sympathize א ביסעל אידישער רחמנות

  15. While I agree that this video is inappropriate because this guy was clearly yelling like a maniac I can understand his level of frustration. These sanitation police are quite honestly pretty despicable. Their goal just as the traffic cops is one in the same given as many summons as possible. I can believe that that cop went onto someone’s private property shlep to out their garbage and then ripped it open just to be able to hand the person a summons. The laws are frequently changed without residents knowing and they get summons for very random things like on a windy day if there’s garbage in front of someone’s property or if they put it out on a legal holiday etc. etc. and again I do not agree with yelling like a maniac and but I believe if this guy would’ve walked over very calmly to the office or you would all have very different responses.

  16. Perhaps this guy could help us on Shabbos, our new garbage collection day… Shabbos morning we come out and there are garbage cans sprawled halfway in the gutter or down the block.. . .and to make the matter worse, in the afternoon when it is quiet two youngsters come and finish the job and about half of the garbage cans are dragged into the gutter so any passing car will either knock them over or drag them along. If you don’t believe . . . come down 57th Street between 15 and 16 avenues where we live. Yes, we called Greenfield and Felder when we informed of this new setup but it went on deaf ears. Yes, we do recycle but our tenants don’t as much as we ask them to!

  17. Why didn’t he ask the sanitation people to please put back everything neatly, instead of leaving trash strewn everywhere? Oh, right, it’s so they can give another ticket for unwrapped trash.

    However….. this man was out of control, screaming like a lunatic. His whole attitude was a chilul Hashem. As much as I disagree with the ticket tactics the SD uses, these workers remained dignified and calm. Note how the Chassisher onlooker kept well out of the tumult.

    Sidebar – how does this OOC Chasid (by his accent) know all about social media?

  18. I certainly hope that this goes viral. The screaming fool who posted this has no understanding of laws, why they were created and the benefits to society by following them.
    The purpose of the recycling laws are to increase recycling, cut down on landfill volumes, and in general keeping the planet a bit healthier

  19. Yeshiva World. Just because you are labeled as a news outlet, doesn’t make you patur from spreading this chillul Hashem. The only one responsible for this going viral is you. This chillul Hashem is on your head.

  20. I cringed whike watching and listening to this guy scream..i had to shut it off…this is an embaressment regardless of wether the sanitation department is right or wrong this person screaming is wrong. He should also learn how to speak proper sentences…..the officer may or may not be a human person but he probably is a human being.

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