WATCH: Thursday’s Protests After Yeshiva Student Was Arrested In Eilat

8 Responses

  1. No one has ever answered the questions I posed many times: If the guys who are learning provide protection for E”Y, who provides the protection during Chodesh Nissan?

    Furthermore, if the IDF drafted every 18-21 year old, will there be no one left in yeshivos? Or does the learning done by those who are over 22 count for nothing?

  2. I understand being upset. But why block off traffic on a major roadway? We as כלל ישראל should not act like the goyim in Fergusen. We are superior to them.

  3. Lucky this happened during bein hazemanim otherwise the heilige bucherim would all have been shteiging in learning and who would have been able to be mekadesh shem shomayim in the streets?

  4. Avreimi: I assume you were being sarcastic….these vermin are NOT “heilege” anything and you do a disservice to kollel yungerleit who truly sit and shteig 24×7 behind a shtender in a beis medrash somewhere. Just because they are wearing a black hat, these thugs should be dragged away forcefully and made to rot in jail for a few months.

  5. Thugs? Vermin? At least they’re not ANIMALS…
    With friends like this, who needs Der Sturmer?
    Maybe all the armchair quarterbacks should give it a rest. Especially if you weren’t there, or don’t live in E.Y. altogether.
    As far as providing protection during the month of Nissan, their learning all year long extends to bein hazmanim when the Roshei Yeshiva of E.Y. have decided that the talmidei ha’yeshivos can and should be celebrating Pesach with their families.
    BTW, anyone who thinks the IDF is waiting with baited breath to induct hordes of yeshiva bochurim into the army is in for some disappointment. The army’s POV has almost always been leave matters alone. It’s only certain politicians who from time to time try to make hay harping on this emotional issue. If the army truly needed or desired the yeshiva bochurim, it would have clamored for them decades ago. Fact is that since 1948, this has not happened. Tells you something about the IDF top brass’s real opinion on this.

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