WATCH: Disturbed Man Repetedly Lets Dog Loose in Public in Boro Park

This video was taken on Wednesday morning on 38th Street in Boro Park. A YWN reporter who was able to capture just a few seconds of the man. He walked his dog into a group of Yeshiva Bochrim as well, in what appeared to be a deliberate attempt to frighten them. The man kept on “dropping” the leash to his dog and then cursing at it.

10 Responses

  1. The man is not in the clinical sense disturbed. He’s an anti-Semite.
    I had the same thing happen to me in a different neighborhood and the man made it clear that he was an admirer of Hitler.

  2. My question is – why are these bochurim so scared of a dog? Is is that they’ve been raised to think of a dog as tu’umah? Seriously, it’s just a dog.

  3. maybe i’m not looking vat the same picture as you. a person is walking his dog , and the dog is just being a dog.

  4. People who did not grow up owning a dog can easily misunderstand what was going on. If you freeze the clip at 16 seconds, you can see him pulling back on the leash, so that the dog WON’T go into the bochrim. I can’t tell what kind of dog it is, but it doesn’t look like a German shepherd or a Rottweiler, so I’m not sure why anybody thought it was an “attack dog”. Yes, the dog is just being a dog and trying to sniff the bochrim. The copy editor clearly has very little prior experience with dogs, so he found it scary. Relax! Everything is o.k. 🙂

  5. The video shows nothing. But it’s possible the guy was being a jerk. If so the owner should go to jail. Teach em a lesson.

  6. Whew! Thank you for showing us a guy walking his dog. And there were Chassidishe bachurim there, too. And CNN, FOX, MSNBC missed this…or did they – must be bec they are all anti-semitic, especially anti-chareidi. You guys sure scooped them! Lololol

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