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WATCH: A Frum Yid Explains the Situation for Passengers Evacuated from Brussels Airport

The Belgium prosecutor is quoted confirming the explosions in Brussels this morning, Tuesday, 12 Adar-II, were indeed terror attacks. According to combined reports from numerous agencies, the death toll in two attacks, the Brussels Airport and a Brussels metro station has reached at least 21 and dozens have been injured, some seriously.

Following is a synopsis of the video of a chareidi man explaining the situation vis-à-vis persons evacuated from the airport blast seen.

We were taken to a large hanger and at now, there are no answers and we haven’t an idea what they are going to do with us.

Look what is taking place. Look how many people. I remind you there is no food or drink, no place to charge a phone and this is not even everyone that was evacuated.

Additional people continue arriving as buses pull up to the hanger. This is the situation at present.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Video: Media Resource Group)

3 Responses

  1. Really?Kvetching that there is nothing to eat or drink? Or that you can not charge your phone?
    How about thanking G-d that you are still alive today?

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