WATCH: Sanders Being Jewish Is Essential To Who I Am

10 Responses

  1. Secular Jews are either extreme liberals like Sanders or obsessive conservatives like Mark Levine. The middle way seems scary and unsafe.

  2. I know whats coming. How dare anyone rate and critique Bernie Sanders’ Jewishness!

    1- Many Holocaust survivors were non-observant. As a result, Sanders was brought up with the kind of Jewishness he practices.

    2- Anyone sane should be more proud of Sanders being a Jew than the Weberman types among us, and all their supporters and cover-uppers, who walk the walk and talk the talk, but exhibit behavior more like animals than humans, unlike the genuine and honest Sanders.

    3- Leave the driving to Greyhound, and the judging to Hashem!

  3. Bernie, you could promise all you want, that you care about that woman’s grandchildren, but, the sad reality is that she doesn’t about your’s! Because you’re a Jew! And nothing has changed!

  4. Well if he wasn’t done before he is now. Lets see how “anti-Semitic” the democratic establishment can be with this G_d hating toavah loving brother.

  5. Only Hashem can judge who rates higher to Him, the “G_d hating toavah loving brother” or those who walk the walk and talk the talk and are full of themselves and it.

  6. #7

    Get rid of the politically correct croc!

    And he gave us the Torah for

    zero purpose?!

    What else is it about?!

    The prime purpose was to TEACH US HOW to judge !

    Or possibly you and yours should join the Movements who render it meaningless

  7. It is Time for Truth:

    Everyone in Kiruv says to focus on the positives, definitely not to smear Jews who arent on your level publicly! And thats whether they have a 0% chance of Tshuva or 100% chance of Tshuva in your eyes. Unless you have other Kiruv and “How to treat Jews not like yourself”, manuals.

    What do the Gdolim say?

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