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WATCH – FULL SPEECH: Mitt Romney Attacks Donald Trump As Fraud And Phony

4 Responses

  1. If only he hadn’t made that remark in 2012 about 47% of people voting for Obama no matter what, Romney might have been President, and a smart one, and we wouldn’t be at the crossroads that face America today.

  2. well-spoken. but why is it overlooked that the majority of the 35% voting for trump are democrats, not republicans—recent polls show an upsurge of people voting in the republican primary, and a concurrent downsurge in democratic voters—think about it, the democratic primary this year was rather quiet compared to the hysteria of the republicans…must have attracted a lot of crossovers looking for entertainment, at least for the primary. AND there seem to be a lot of states where one can vote in the republican primary even if they are not a registered republican. I never believed the people voting for him were conservatives. These people will not be won over by speeches or evidence or anything. So what’s wrong with him leaving the republican party and running as a third party? It would restore decency and order to the conservative process.

  3. He sounded great and almost 100% sincere until he couldn’t resist emphasising his real political objective and ended sounding just like any other politician. He almost made me think why didn’t Romney win he sounds smart and sincere.almost.

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