WATCH: Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Donald Trump

15 Responses

  1. A match made in heaven. Two coarse simple minded peasants who think nothing of hurting people on the way to their success- but for the loftiest purposes. מצא מין את מינו.

  2. What a joke hes not embarrassed to say over the flat tire story? that story is false no one ever heard of a person saying it happened to him, trust me if it happened to a Jew everyone and their mother in law would know someone who knows who it happened to. Still think its true? why in the world would someone, i dont care how rich he is pay off someones mortgage for changing a tire?! The stupidity of some people to believe this is beyond belief

  3. Please let’s not bash for no reason. The Rabbi means well, and his listeners obviously appreciate his unique style. He proved his humility in publicly retracting his earlier statement.

  4. He APOLOGISED for his holocaust remarks for Heavens sake!
    It seems like hilchos shemiras haloshon don’t apply to Trump supporters!

  5. Busha for Yeshiva World News Totally contemptible behavior…and for what!? Rabbi Mizrachi should thank you as you just wire-transferred all your mitzvos to him.

  6. Mizrachi experienced quite a bit of backlash after his Holocaust comments, and in his apology he excused himself by saying he read the wrong information somewhere. This seems to be a theme with him: he’s constantly saying “I heard,” or “I read” without giving the source. I don’t think he thinks he’s lying. I think he really just believes all this stuff. But as a speaker, it is his responsibility to make sure his sources are credible, and until he starts acting like a professional and taking his public role seriously, no organization should give him a platform to speak knowing that he has a history of presenting vague rumors as fact.

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