WATCH: President Obama – ‘I Continue To Believe Mr. Trump Will Not Be President’

President Obama on Donald Trump: “I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be President and the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people and I think they recognize that being President is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show or a reality show. It’s not promotion. It’s not marketing. It’s hard.”

6 Responses

  1. I believe Mr. Obama your living in illusions … Yes and I also believe you it’s hard being president especially when you make so many serious mistakes when you had no control and fought for your prestige instead of what’s good for the people .

  2. And now again Your prestige don’t want trump to win you bribe American people you trust there smart .. How smart were they if they voted for you

  3. I am not for Trump for a lot of reasons. But if Obama keeps on making these comments of his I could easily change my mind just to spite Obama. I realize that is the worst possible reason to vote for someone, but if people like Obama keep on demonizing Trump, I may refer back to 1980 when people of Obama’s stripe were doing it to Reagan. That actually won votes for Reagan because when he actually came across as a reasonable person people came to like him BECAUSE OF the negative publicity of the left.

  4. Classic loser, has nothing good to say about himself so goes to prey on someone who is more popular than he is. Haha what a joke!!! Obama, go do what your best at, play golf

  5. #3

    Well said

    He has some decent positions ,even if he as a person is a crass human being and has a bad influence on others as well.

    Trump opposes TPP and China better than any of the other candidates besides Sanders

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