WATCH: Tzipi Hotevely- Deputy Foreign Minister interviewing to Al Jazeera International

4 Responses

  1. Listening to Tzipi Hotevely expound on the incessant Incitement and Glorification by the Palestinian Authority of the Murder of Jews in Israel and the payments of funds to Terrorists families by them I am Once Again Wondering When Jewish American Organizations AND DOV HIKIND – Senator FELDER and Councilman David Greenfield – Will FInally Speak Out Calling for the US to STOP PAYING THE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to this TERRORIST ENTITY WHILE THEY ACT LIKE THE OLD PLO! Money from Our Tax Dollars is Funding Incitement to MURDER our Brothers and Sisters just because they are JEWS in Erets Yisroel! Besides the constant UN resolutions initiated by them against Israel and even calling all Jewish Holy Sites in Our Land Exclusively Moslem! DOV – ARE YOU a SHOMER? (or only Shumer?)

  2. I want to emphasize – Not Just Hollow Meaningless Condemnations but CUTTING FUNDS!
    Dov Hikind 718-853-9616
    Senator Felder (718) 253-2015
    David Greenfield 718-853-2704

  3. BenK, what, pray tell, do the New York City Council and the New York State Legislature have to do with foreign aid? Every time local politicians speak out on foreign policy, it’s only for their own aggrandizement.

    And what’s with the weird capitalization?

  4. I started an on line petition and got a few hundred signatures and comments. I forwarded them to JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS such as Agudah, OU, Young Israel, ZOA, ADL, JNF, UJA, JCRC, Emunah, Haddassah, Weisenthal Center, and AFMDA. I then forwarded it to 3 Jewish activist politicans – Dov Hikind, Senator Felder and David Greenfield. Am I The Only Jew That Cares? Am I the Only One That Sees a Need To Speak Out? Am I the Only One That Sees AL TTAMOD AL DAM RAYACHA and BIMKOM SHEAIN ISH HISHTADAIL LIHIYOS ISH? That One is NOt Silent When their Fellow Jews are in danger and being Killed including mothers in front of their children and young women and little boys on their bikes being stabbed and people being run over and then stabbed and people in a minyan being stabbed due to PA incitement and terrorist Glorification and see a Need to Demand US STOP FUNDING THEM? Our Local Politicians Often Spoke Out and It MADE THE NEWS and They Can Also Get more National attention with their Political Friends and Jewish Groups! By Pres Bush 100,000 Rallied in Washington! Instead of make fun of my grammar You Speak Up – Call them. Im Ain Ani Li MI. Are YOU a Member of the Jewish People or only care About YOURSELF!

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