WATCH: Monsey Resident Judah Lerer Publicly Slams East Ramapo School District President Yehuda Weissmandl

East Ramapo community member Judah Lerer tells the Board that Rockland County Legislator Aron Wieder and his friends called for community support but that’s not what he is there for. Lerer said the Board Members don’t speak for his community. It should be noted that Lerer is a long-time Preserve Ramapo activist, who ran unsuccessfully for the Rockland County Legislature District 6 seat on the Republican and Conservative lines.

15 Responses

  1. He’s not the first meshugena in the history of the Jewish nation that caused tzaros for his own people and probably is not the last. Just, please take your yarmulke off next time, it was getting in the way of your hairdo.

  2. He must have got picked on as a kid…. and now he has a chance to turn into the bully.
    Pathetic behavior.
    This Lehrer guy obviously needs to feel like a tough guy… “at Rikers”… “I am not scared of you Weissmandl!” … who talks like that!??!… someone who is a weak person and finally getting the opportunity for attention.
    Always be careful when it comes to chilul hashe especially when it wont lead to anything ..just a little pathetic facetime.

  3. What a disgrace. I don’t know either of them but this guy made an ugly chillul hashem. Sounds like he has an agenda against Mr. Weismandel. Ugly. Ugly. Ugly. Total Disgrace.

  4. First I would like to inform all of you that’s you are in violation of something called Lashon Harah. Yehudah Lerer is man who is known to lend a helping hand to any Jew in need, a tradition he passed on to his sons who risk their lives for the Monsey community in SVFD.

    Second in America and in learning everyone is entitled to their own opinions, as long as they don’t break any laws. I guess none of you pick up a Sefer. Yehudah Lerer has.

    Third you all are a bunch of blind sheep being led to the slaughter. People like Wieder, Wisemandle, and even St. Lawrence promise you the world, but when push comes to shove all they are doing are creating unaffordable housing while padding their own pockets.

  5. It is because of you unrighteous individuals that are bashing one of your Jewish brothers that the Holocaust happened, and it is because of you that mashiach won’t come. The man has an opinion which he has a right to, one that was not affected blindly by poor leadership. Leadership that has been failing you and making themselves rich. Also @amicable33 to trash the man for working with people that no one else does is really low. He is literally keeping you safe. Furthermore there was a bachur that was arrested for not paying a ticket in Baltimore and sent to Rikers. The Bachur told me that Mr. Lerer was able to get him tsitis, tefilin, and decorum for his detainment.

  6. If you all think I’m crazy for defending him you should know if you sent your boys to Yeshiva Spring Valley he helped with your tuition and my salary.

  7. To the residents of Monsey.

    There is a great book called, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. In case you don’t know it, it’s about a boy who yells a wolf is coming to the village when it’s not. When the wolf finally does come nobody believes the boy, and the wolf kills everyone.

    The residents of Monsey are that boy. Growing up in Monsey none of you have experienced Anti Semitism (the wolf). You may think you have, but believe me you have not. You are made to believe you have by your Rebbes, school principals, and politicians; but trust me you haven’t. What you are experiencing is what is known as fear mongering, a tactic that is used by the people in power to stay in power. They tell you it’s Anti Semitism when a development gets voted down because they loose their cut of the cash. Think for yourself! And stop crying wolf, because Hashem forbid something does happen in Monsey, nobody is going to listen.

    Have a good shabbas.

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