WATCH: Huge Crowd Of Young Children And Adults Screams ‘Nazi’ At Israeli Police Officer In Meah Shearim; Throw Water On Them

40 Responses

  1. Tachlis? To show other Jews how embarrassing our “brothers” are behaving!! Israeli police and soilders are risking their lives from people who are stabbing, running over, killing any Jew in their path! They don’t care if they are chassidish, yeshivish, shomer shabbos…
    How dare they live in a land and NOT teach their children that when police or soilders walk by they say “Thank you” How dare they call them NAZI. Shame on them!!?

  2. I am truly ashamed that these clowns are Jews. What type of sick mind calls police officers who put their lives on the line to protect them Nazis?! Totally disgusted. Will definitely think twice before giving any of these creeps a dime when they come collecting.

  3. These are animals at best & Rodfim at worst. Either way there is a Ribono Shel Olam & they will be called to task. I would just ask a shailoh if we are permitted to patronize their businesses or daven in their shuls.

  4. to #1
    a. So that yidden with minimum ahavas yisroel should daven that they do teshuva.

    b. Yidden around the world should understand why there’s so much hate against chareidim in Israel.

  5. I understand this children there father’s get beaten by those cops. And sometimes arrested for a couple of days they are hurt

  6. Just as the Israeli government cites & monitors incitement by Arabs against JEWS, so should radio stations, mosdos, shuls be monitored re: Incitement against IDF soldiers, rescue groups and so called “Zionists”.

    I buy my sifrei kodesh, tourist mementos, CDs, clothes in areas outside of Meah Shearim until the residents stand up to the KANOIM & rabble rousers.

  7. I am not surprised at all, it happens all the time, and they frum yiden wonder why chilonim don’t like haredim. Because all the not religious Jews and non Jews see, is publicly hate towards Israeli police, soldiers from haredi tzibur, they see that haredim burn the Israeli flags, while proudly display palestinian flags,they call police nazis, while they call palestinians their brothers who lived with them in peace before “those evil zionists came to occupy the land”.

  8. This is an article lacking context. Was this just a spontaneous protest or was there some incident where the police attacked or harmed some chareidi person? It makes a big difference in understanding what is going on.

    Moderator’s Note: Just curious, what difference does it make? To call another Jew a NAZI? Can you explain your justification for ever calling another Jew a NAZI?

    We all want to hear your brilliance.

  9. The headline seems way too overstated. While even one person acting like a Beheima is one person too many, this was not a “Huge Crowd” at least in the video.

  10. Moderator, what is worse beating up Jewish father protesting or calling someone Nazi? No Jew should call another Jew Nazi unless he is an enemy of the Jewish people like Soros or other anti Jewish people or those who advocate the violent overthrow of Jews or Israel.

    However, the protest may be justified if the language is not.

  11. If these sick kids had parents at home that gave them proper hadracha, they wouldn’t be making such a Chillul Hashem. I say, shame on their irresponsible parents.

  12. Yes, when the police come during hafganos and beat the living daylights out of anyone walking by – young and old alike – like we have witnessed over and over again, you better believe they are acting like Nazis !! Very simple for all of you to pass judgement from the comfort of your homes when these same people have their bones broken, heads smashed, eyes blinded etc…to protect the קדושה וטהרה of ירושלים that you yourselves enjoy when you walk through it’s streets. Like Reb Berel Soloveithcik z”l once said: “if one less stone was thrown in Yerushalayim, there would have been chillul shabbos in all of Yerusahalayim”. You fall for the propaganda against them hook, line and sinker……

  13. I think it is clear ther must be MORE HOLOCAUST EDUCATION in Chassidic Israeli schools!!

    Would Holocuast survivors accept soldiers of Israel compared to Brutal Murderous Nazi savages that tortured to death millions of Yidden!!

  14. Just like the radical Islamic fanatics. That teach and train their children to hare these animals do the same
    What do you do to a rabid dog you shot it. Turn on hoses tear gas them
    Treat them like terrorists. Because they aren’t Jews let alone religious
    Incarserate their parents and blow up there homes see how quick it ends

  15. I have stopped giving ‘Tzedakah’ to these KOFU TOIV people. They refuse to contribute to society in principal- Yet they Demand and USE MUCH MORE THAN THEIR FARE SHARE OF RESOURCES. Whose blood, sweat and tears are providing for all the Healthcare, Food, Security, infrastructure, Etc for their 14 child families??? HINT- IT’S THESE VERY “NAZIS” !!! I propose a new rule- No National Service – NO BENEFITS

  16. Never should one yid call another yid a natzi. I understand the frustration involved when the government does not share ones religious beliefs however these are people who risk their lives to protect everyone. Yes all Sal Arion cones from Hashem but if Moshe can show hakoras hatov to the sand for burying the mitzri we can show the same to the soldiers who protect the country. This post won’t change the inhabitants of meah sheorim but we can be inspired to help show graditude by buying a slice of pizza or coffee to a soldier. Or for those in chutz l’aretz sponsor some warm clothing or a chanukah party for them.

  17. Anyone who thinks that these people are normal can go and join them. Unfortunately the parents are seriously to blame. Where is the chinuch gone? These children have NO IDEA what the word NAZI means. The parents are meshuganas to even start that. Someone needs to educate both parents and children aboug what the NAZIs Yemach Shemom actually did. The Israeli police are there to protect us. They dont care who it is who they protect rather they protect anyone is being or abouf to be harmed by real NAZIs. Dont anyone dare say a single word against them. There is NO difference in opinion here.!!!

  18. Orthodox American Jews who are sick of the way things run in Israel should come here in the masses, as full communities, and start to change things. Everything from security to education to customer service to basic mentschlechkite. But the day American Jews pick up to come is the day the Messiah will arrive – and by then he won’t want them.

  19. I think the clearest indication whether YWN should publish inflammatory, un-documented stories without context — such as this one — is the responses of (most of) the commenters. What happened to not judging people? Unless you were actually there and spoke directly to the principals involved, you don’t really know what transpired, and expressing such opinions with such vehemence is completely out of place.

  20. Apart from #1 & #17, I agree with every comment – & I will now refuse these creeps who come to my apartment with their eyes down & hats extended, looking for a handout. G-d forbid they should look at a woman or take money directly from her. Well, this Chassidishe woman in Ramat Bet Shemesh will have to learn how to say “when you join the IDF or support our police and soldiers, try again” in Hebrew.

  21. And the בית המקדש was destroyed because of שנאת חינם. Guess what, our rabid שנאת חינם seems to be alive and well. Hence: no בית המקדש .

  22. Moderator’s Note: Just curious, what difference does it make? To call another Jew a NAZI? Can you explain your justification for ever calling another Jew a NAZI? –

    What are you talking about the chofetz chaim called the yevsekes who were rodef other jews in russia he called them “mezera amalek” (how is that different from calling them nazis its the same thing) go look it up in kovetz maa’amorim maamar “omer ani maa’say lamelech. though i doubt you will becuase you have a non-torahdike agenda. you should not be a moderator.

  23. Every one of the commentators should be embarrassed of themselves!!!!! Can you imagine if the Rebono Shel Olam took clips of your life and judged your outcome and wellbeing based on a ten second clip of a comment or action? No it’s not right, but your comments are filled with hate and disgust!
    Note to moderator : you are no better then the copos that went and told the Nazis about Jews hiding or smuggling. Your comment justifies both bad behaviors and is shameful that YOU represent a website that calls itself “Yeshivah”. This is nothing more then spreading Rechilus. Shame on you.

  24. Once again another article by Yeshivah world about how we Yiddin act terrible in public. Yes I agree with #1 what’s the Tachlis?

  25. Discusting! I’m not the biggest Zionist either, but to call other Jews this kind of name and educate the children is unreal. The term “nazis” also gets filtered down when it’s not used for its specific purpose. If they feel they have to call other Jews some names, at least use the name Rasha or the like. Even that would be bad. Does anyone really know who is a Rasha?
    Let’s STOP the labeling in Klal Yisroel. Aren’t there enough stuff going on where our focus should be purely Teshuva BOTH in regard to Bein Adam LAMAKON AND LACHAVEIRO!

  26. I’m curious how those who will now refuse tzdakah to “those creeps,” or “those kofu toiv people,” actually know who they are so as not to give them tzdaka when they come collecting in NY, or not to patronize their stores when they come visiting E.Y. Unless you are advocating collective punishment. I.e., anyone who might seem to you to be part of “that” community will not receive any tdakah or we will not patronize their stores. Are all chareidim guilty? FWIW, most of these “types” don’t take any State funds, so you don’t have to worry about that. Second, it has come to light that many of the cops who are mobilized to beat up chareidim are in fact NOT JEWISH. While, not justifying calling anyone Nazi, some here have often speculated about the possibility that these non-Jewish “immigrants” from Ukraine, and other eastern European countries could actually be descendants of those who collaborated with the Nazis during WWII. Third, the police who are “protecting everyone” are not the ones beating up innocent civilians.
    All of which goes to show that although many of the armchair Zionists sitting pretty in the U.S. who are quick to condemn “those people” in Yerushalayim, you should try to ascertain the facts — something that is often difficult to do long distance — before condemning others with such severe epithets.

  27. I must say that I am truly ashamed at most of these comments.Most of you have no idea of what really goes on.I live next to Meah Shearim and I resent all these anti-haredi comments.Obviously,you are clueless about the police and armed forces in Israel-yes B’H they put their lives on the line when dealing with murderous arabs but unfortunately, they use similar heavy-handed techniques with religious jews- whether its right wing dati leumi nationalists in the Shomron or with torah scholars in Meah Shearim.That is why some children in Meah Shearim don’t see them with respect when they see police walking through their neighborhood.The soldiers and police protecting people at the end of our street or at the nearby light rail station never want for hot Shabbat food or a cold drink on a hot day.BUT when they come to destroy a balcony or arrest a yeshiva boy for not going into the army or start billy-clubbing people at a protest concert(I think Sara Rigler has an account of this in her book on Jerusalem) you should be wary of all out approval of the Israeli Police/IDF. There are some underlying currents going on here.The ASSES(Askenasi Secular Socialist Elite)although a minority in this country still control a lot of it and the police are often their puppets, for their agenda.The Naturei Karta are a small.ineffective group and are no danger to Israel but the anti-Israel Leftists are a very real danger and are endangering the state and the jewish people,and unfortunately are not a small group

  28. #39

    Nothing absolutely nothing justifies calling a fellow yid a nazi!!
    Shame on you ‘jerusalem mum’ for trying to explain there comments!!
    OK noone is really arguing that the israeli police dont treat chareidim with the utmost respect but here the argument is why on earth you should call another yid a nazi!!!

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