WATCH: Beri Weber – ‘Thank You Hashem’

beri“Thank you Hashem” is the ultimate form of Emunah! – Reb Lazer Brody

I was privileged to be part of a monthly Kumzitz that Reb Shalom Neiman A”H would make. The Kumzitz was as a Seudas Hodah for the terminal illness he had. He thanked Hashem for being the ultimate merciful Father and everything He does is for our benefit, even though it may seem to be bad.

Reb Brody explains this concept in depth:

When the Meraglim returned from exploring Eretz Yisroel, the Jews cried all night. Hashem said if you will cry all night over nothing, than I will give you something to cry about in the future. From then on, that day became the day of Jewish tragedy. Both The Churban Bayis Rishon and Sheni, The Spanish inquisition, Kristal Nacht, and many more tragedies occurred on the 9th of Av.

R’ Brody Explains we weren’t punished for crying, but rather for continuing to cry all night. If we would’ve realized that Hashem is the ultimate good than we would have instantly been soothed and comforted.

People assume that G-d is double sided, with a good side and a bad side. When Moshiach comes it will be clear that even what seemed to be bad was in fact, good. It will then be known that Hashem is ‘one.’

Thank you Hashem is the message of Moshiach, and the message of ultimate unity.

It was by the Kumzits of R’ Shalom Neiman, that I chose R’ Shlomo Carlebach’s beautiful tune [which is about the ultimate redemption] to help the words “Thank You Hashem” resonate within us all!


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