WATCH: Hundreds Of Charedim Yell ‘Nazis’ At Israeli Police At Protest Over Possible Kevarim At Construction Site

Chareidim protested on Sunday, 26 Cheshvan, opposite Cinema City in Jerusalem. Protesters feel the ongoing construction is compromising kevarim in the area.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Video: יהוידע בן ציון / Medabrim Tikshoret)

8 Responses

  1. There is something so wrong with this picture
    When Arabs are stabbing them they demand protection from the police
    But yet they turn around and yell vile curses at those same people
    0 hakaras hatov

  2. Israel is one big grave yard. What concrete proof do you have that, there is any bones that were being tossed? Any time there is construction these bored rabble rousers come and make trouble. It’s not like they are uprooting har hamenuchois.

  3. Someone forgot to pay or did the builders think that they would be ignored during these times and didn’t think to bring the money?

  4. Read Jeremiah. Your destroyers will come out from your midst. You presume there was an intent to destroy graves. let these demonstrators contribute/ let them help protect their families the way the police put their lives on the line every day to protect them. What happened to bitul torah which is the reason they do not even do Sherut leume.

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