YWN EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: ‘Safe?!?’ Unguarded Arab Jerusalem Municipality Workers in Ramat Eshkol Park – Children Petrified As Workers Come Close

19 Responses

  1. im sorry but they need to be taught now to run home at the first sight of them. this is a reality for them unfortunately and they need skills to deal with the situation.

  2. and btw who is videoing and why wouldnt they think it was more important to usher the children somewhere else rather than video. its time to learn that today’s nice helpful sanitation workers are tomorrow’s terrorist.

  3. First of all they were not petrified as they walked towards the workers not away from them. 2nd they were not unguarded as someone was obviously taking the video

  4. This is what most medias fail to mention, the fact tht our children are so scared, shows that although we would like to carry on with life as normal we can’t, as long as these animals continue working in our midst, carrying on as if nothing is happening is simply not possible…

  5. There is soooo much wrong with this video/incident!
    1) why are those girls alone? And to answer those who will say a) the culture is different in Israel so it’s ok or b) the older girl looks old enough, NEITHER OF THESE REASONS APPLIES IN THE CURRENT MATZAV. Watch your kids!!!
    2) who is videoing this?? I doubt it’s a parent or person supervising these kids since the kids would have walked toward such a person instead of away from them as they did. So if you are a responsible Jewish adult then act don’t just wait and see if something will happen!

  6. And 3rd, it’s time Israel got rid once and for all, of all arab workers. They CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO BE IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS! If a Jew wanders into their neighborhoods by mistake, they get lynched, C”V. They cannot be working for Jews, in the Jewish neighborhoods. It’s idiocy!

  7. the girls were notably scared but they did not know what to do. They obviously hear the adults in their lives talking about the events of the day, but since these sanitaion workers must be around all the time they are not percieved to be a threat. THAT in my opinion is the real problem, When did we all of a sudden begin to believe that there are “two types of them” there is not . only one sorry. …today, nice makolet delivery boy. tomorrow knife weiding terrorist.

  8. I have a different take. These girls are acting normally for their age and show a level of maturity and also don’t seem to have any intense fear of local Palestinians working in the parks since they’ve probably seen them many times before. The reality is that there will always be several million Palestinians living and working in our midst and there is no place to “run away” every time some walk by.

  9. Please take this video down. You give fire to those that say we hate arabs for no reason. These guys weren’t doing anything at all besides picking up trash and bickering with each other. Do not take me for an Arab sympathiser, i am the exactly opposite, but giving proof and fuel to those that hate us to say look at these hateful jews hating us for no reason is not smart

  10. the girls are dressed for R”Ch (white and blue, and are both still wearing their “gan tikkim” around their necks… they are clearly on their way home from gan- alone- the older 1 can’t be older than gan chova- that’s pre-1-A. So on their own, they stop off in the park… and yes, the videographer is -sorry- but what kind of dope videos instead of getting these little girls OUT of there?! And a 5 yr old and 4 year old (that old you think?) going home from gan unsupervised is not NOT okay “culturally”.

  11. YWN is purposely leaving this misleading video in an attempt to get more viewers not realizing that posting so many misrepresenting headlines is only chasing away more and more viewers.

    If anything this video shows the opposite: They don’t look petrified at all. Proof:
    1- They wait for the Arab worker to come within 2 feet before getting off the swing.(the video has a split in footage possibly enabling the video taker to tell the girls when to get off the swing.)
    2-They go toward the Arab workers instead of away. Nobody afraid (even uneducated children) walk calmly toward whatever their afraid of in a way to demonstrate fear.

    The fact that there were no other children in the park may be a sign that israelis are afraid and keep their children indoors. These children do not even look israeli definitely don’t act israeli. The fact that those Arabs are hanging around is proof the video taker is not Israeli.

  12. It’s hard for me to believe this took place recently, b/c who in the world would leave their children unattended in such a violent/ murderous climate. And if this did happen recently, oy vavoy on the parents and/or the video guy!!

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