WATCH: Animal Rights Activists Storm Ashdod Kapparos Center, And ‘Rescue’ [Steal] Dozens Of Chickens

11 Responses

  1. Two of the “activists” we’re tripped by a frum hero as they were running away and the chickens they attempted to steal were returned to the victimized owner. One of the women suffered serious injuries to her head from the fall and the other suffered a good bangup.

  2. These are our enemies. Not the Palestinians who only want to live in a place they’ve lived in for a millenia (whereas most frum Jews have lived in America for decades, at most). Did you ever see a Muslim object to frumkeit? We can give up much control over land to live in peace, but we can never giver up even a drop of Torah to make the hilonim happy.

  3. These filthy and smelly kaporos Centers that spring up every year are a disgrace. They result in public health issues and t’zar baalei chayim. Kol hakovod to those who attempted to “rescue’ these poor fowl. This minhag from the Alte heim has no place in modern day observances in EY or here in America. Use a kosher fish or silver coins to be yotzeh the mitzvah of shluggin kaporos.

  4. I wonder if it had been religious Jews trying to prevent secularists from doing something would the police have shown up? Trick question.

  5. Animals do not have rights! The notion that they do is the most classic form of avodah zorah. Where is Yad L’Achim to combat this?

  6. (As with anything you read on line , this is in no way is meant to pasken shailos or as a replacement to a Rov. Only to bring forth a discussion.)

    The first eighteen editions of the Shulchan Aruch (first 4 during the life time of the Bais Yosef)

    Siman #605 had this header

    “Minhag Kaparos on Erev Yom Kippur is a Minhag Shtus”

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