WATCH: First Night Of Selichos At Chabad Headquarters In 770

9 Responses

  1. This doesn’t look like Slichos davening to me. On the other hand if this is what their earnest, soulful beseeching for forgiveness is like, then their Simchas Torah Hakafos must be incredible. 😉

  2. These remarks are shocking and hateful. To prove that point, on this site itself there are a few other slichos video. I watched lipas slichos in airmont , and yehuda greens in Manhattan, and aish in woodmere. During all of those slichos services, there is dancing and singing like its simchas tora , yet nobody seemed to comment or have a bad word to say. Whereas in the slichos of 770, if you watch the video , you will see that all the singing is before and after slichos, and during the actual slichos, the mood us very serious, and you can hear it in the chazans voice. Yet all the haters chose to attack this slichos and not the others, that much more resembled a wedding. It seems, that when it comes to hate, honesty and objectivity, are completely discarded.

  3. uzbek #6: Read the posts about Lipa, Green and Woodmere again. Many many posters condemned what they did there far more than anything you read here.

  4. To to Uzbek

    I totally agree with your comment. Compared to the other videos , the Chabad one was the most solemn during Selichos. Most of these comments are coming from a deep seated hatred that is baseless. They need to do teshuva especially before Yom Kippur.

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