WATCH: Yehudah Green Selichos At The West Side Synagogue 2015 – Hashivenu

11 Responses

  1. Like every year at the Green Slichos, everyone had a rocking great time and blast, better than any concert. It was fun and happy giving everyone memories until the next one.

  2. Yup everyone had a rocking great time and blast, better than any concert..

    Wow Elul is so much fun!! what in the world is goin on??? I didn’t realize selichos is a time for rockin concerts. I thought it’s a serious time where we beg HaShem to have mercy on us. Kedalim veraikim ( like paupers and empty without merits)

  3. I also was very taken aback by the concert style environment at a serious event like Selichos. Of coarse Selichos is a serious time and one should utilize it that way. But after some thought I came to the realization that for some people it is difficult for them to connect that way to Hashem. It is unfortunate, but it is the reality. So what is better, sitting in a Shul and not having any concentration , glancing at the clock and at the cell phone texting and emailing, all while the Chazan is saying Hashem Hashem kail Rachum vchanun, or dancing and singing Hashevenu and having some form of Hirur Teshuvah that way.

  4. apushatayid #9: Are you okay with making a cheerful song and dance out of Nesane Tokef and the rest of Yom Kippur davening through and including the Neilah, kumzits-style?

  5. #9

    Oh! ‘Elul’ where have you gone?

    Like it says in Koheles “there a time and place for everything”
    And this assuredly is the Wrong one!

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