WATCH: IDF Rescuing The 5 American Yeshiva Bochrim Nearly Lynched In Hebron

6 Responses

  1. Scary to think these murderous animals are in Israel proper, only minutes away from Yerushalayim.
    Every day that people come home safely is a Nes.
    HaShem Yishmor.

  2. Please note at 12 and 21 seconds, the IDF officer asking the bachurim to say thank you to the Arab who kept them safe until the IDF arrived.

  3. Does anybody see the irony?
    Just a few days ago someone from the IDF was attacked in meah shearim
    But these boys would have been viciously murdered were it not for these same soldiers
    Something’s not right

  4. I, as another Frum Yid(in America), would really love to send a huge heartfelt thank you note to this Arab who saved these boys. Is there any way of finding out an address for these people.

    Do we realize, these bochurim would’ve been TORN apart quite literally if not for this human being?!

  5. I would also like to thank an arab man who set boys into safety.
    This story reminds me a lot of Malochim and Lot hiding them inside his house. This man surely deserves a huge thanks. I would appreciate if TYWN can get his email or an adress yhat we can extend our thanks to him.
    And please remember that it was Hashem’s hands that saved them in the first place because in such situation they could have been dead in a seconds, so everyone would start:”How could Hashem let to murder those frum Yeshiva boys and didn’t save them?” So here he saved them miraculously . Please don’t forget to Credit Hashem and to thank him.

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