WATCH: MBD And Friends Sing For Yossi Piamenta Who Needs Rachamei Shomayim

A group of Jewish singers and superstars visited famed Jewish guitarist and singer Yossi Piamenta last week, and made a “Kumzits” for him.

Yossi Piamenta has been battling a dreaded illness since being diagnosed more than a year ago, as thousands of his fans continue to pray for his recovery.

Yossi has been Misameach thousands upon thousands of Chasanim and Kallah’s at weddings in the past 35 years. His music has touched many of us, and many of his songs are played at weddings every night.

Never the one to say no, Yossi would always drop all he was doing and run to hospital or private home to cheer up those suffering from illness and disease. May his amazing acts of chesed he did quietly for so many years serve as Zechus for his Refuah Shelaima.

Please continue to be Mispallel for Yosef ben Genia.

(Chaim Shaprio – YWN)

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