WATCH: Israeli Bus Refuses To Let Ambulance Pass – This Will Blow Your Mind

18 Responses

  1. This video is sad. Maybe the bus didnt see/hear the ambulance. But what’s the big deal? I live in New York on a busy one way avenue, and when the light is red no one moves out of the way for Hatzoloh or any other emergency vehicle. We watch the ambulances sit at the light with sirens wailing waiting for the light to turn green. You would think that with all the technology out there the emergency vehicles should have an override for the lights.

  2. It is very true that this video is shocking, disturbing and completely irresponsible of the bus driver and necessary action should be taken. YET the term and headline “Israeli bus driver…” is derogatory, and somewhat stereotyping Israeli society as a whole, and we all know it. A headline like that, and others of that type which are commonly used by American media, have a real ability to start a “Israel bashing” fiesta. Living here in Israel for close to nine years, it really hurts me when I see such headlines. Israel, or rather Eretz Yisroel is the most amazing place on earth and Hashem’s chosen land! But sometimes people in Israel act irresponsibly. Lets not blame Israel. We really need to be careful about the way we speak her and her people. Especially this week, Parshas Shelach, when it was for this very reason that the Jewish people were punished and delayed entry in the most special place on earth for 40 years.

  3. I hope this bus driver gets his license suspended in the very least. He may have caused a loss of life. What a Chutzpah!!!

  4. This is NO different than in Brooklyn, when a Hatzolah car wants to get to an emergency and OUR OWN don’t move for them. We are living in very bad times.

  5. Very strange & odd.
    Is the rule in Israel the same as in USA, to pull over to right and slow or stop? Or are there another set of rules?

  6. I see this driving the Hatzala Beit Shemesh ambulance every day on Route 1 from Beit Shemesh to the hospital…. I guess I got to used to the Israeli drivers…

  7. Yes, unfortunatly this is how too many israeli drivers react to emergency vehicles in Israel.This bus driver should be punished, there is no justification for his blatent disregard of an ambulance.
    That being said,here are some factors to consider:
    1-The bus driver may have been arab.
    2-Ambulances in Israel drive code 3 in way too many non urgent situations.This has the unfortunate effect of deadening public respect when it is realy needed.
    3-Israel police do NOTHING to enforce respect for emergency vehicles. No tickets are given out, I dont even know if there is an increased fine for failure to yeild.

  8. Some observations:

    The bus was moving pretty fast and with the ambulance on his tail, he could not slow down to move into the right lane as there were slower moving vehicles there blocking the bus’ intended action.

    We see less than two minutes of the film and the video finfishes before we see the ending. The bus may have eventually been able to move into the right lane.

    I too have witnessed Hatzala cars here in non-emergency circumstances speeding; going through red traffic signals with lights flashing and sirens blaring. And parking anywhere at will while shopping (sometimes it’s the wives who are using the car). I make this statement after being certain of the “non-emergency circumstances”.

  9. As far as cars not going thru red lights to make way for Hatzala vehicles, in Brooklyn, is because of the Sodomite laws that are in place. RED LIGHT CAMERA’S. People are not interested in getting a $150 red light ticket. Yeh, tell the judge, “I had to go thru the red light” because there was an emergency vehicle behind me. They laugh in your face and say “the camera doesn’t lie”. You’re guilty. Please stop by the cashier on the way out to avoid further penalties & interest charges.
    I’m not condoning it. This is just the mitzius.

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