WATCH: Arabs Scream ‘Allah Akbar As Jews Visit Har HaBayis On Thursday Morning

Gedolei HaPoskim throughout the ages including Gedolei Hador Shlita today have ruled it is absolutely forbidden to visit Har Habayis, even if one does so in line with Halacha including tevila. This is also the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. This is an Issur Kares.

6 Responses

  1. “even if one does so in line with Halacha including tevila”

    If one does so in line with Halacha it isn’t forbidden.

  2. 1- technically, what is wrong with shouting GD is great on the Temple Mount! It’s not like they’re screaming death to Israel or something negative….

    2- why does the cop have a camcorder?

  3. If it’s not allowed for us to go, are Arabs allowed? Also, when does it become permissible? Someone has to go and build the beit hamikdash. Even if mashiach comes, that should not have any impact on the psak. These jews are doing a major kiddush hashem by introducing a Jewish presence on HH. GOD bless them

  4. Besides, the Halachic debbate and consensus by the majority of contemporary Gedolim that it’s forbidden, these Jews know full well that their ‘walk’ on the temple mount infuriates the Arabs who are seethingly bloodthirsty in any case, what right have they got to endanger other Yidden who don’t have a full Police escort? How can they be so callous? Do we need reminding that we’re still in Golus?

  5. Only Arabs can pray on the Temple Mount and not Jews. How absurd that such a law exists. I as a goy cannot and will not understand why Jews cannot perform their rightful praying,and worshiping HaShem on such sacred ground. May I suggest that ALL Jews observe the Shabbos for two consecutive weeks to hasten the Mashiach’s coming and eliminate such an absurd law.

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