WATCH: Israeli Police Prevent Jews From Trying To Ascend The Har HaBayis

Gedolei HaPoskim throughout the ages including Gedolei Hador Shlita today have ruled it is absolutely forbidden to visit Har Habayis, even if one does so in line with Halacha including tevila. This is also the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. This is an Issur Kares.

20 Responses

  1. Circus atmosphere. Everyone standing there filming with their cell phones smiling. Crazy kids. The police showed remarkable restraint. The kids were resisting arrest. Its not the officers fault for the Government’s policy. The police should of decked that little one, especially. It did take quite a while to cuff that 2nd kid though. He was quite tough.

  2. Poor misguided Jews. Whatever their rational might be for going on הר הבית, they are making a Chillul Hashem!

  3. Please stop reporting that going on to HH is a Chiyuv Kareis. This is not correct! If you want to accurately report on the opinion of those that are against going up, you should write that their is a Chashash of an Isur Kareis, as the issur only applies to those that enter the Azara. Some claim to know that location and some claim we don’t, but either way there is not a blanket issur Kareis for one who ascends HH!

  4. Thanks for putting up the video. Very important to know and spread. No thank you to your unneeded commentary and opinion. You as a news site should just report the news and not put in your own opinion when it comes to going up or not. In truth their is no real issur and those who studied the subject are and DID put up the Halahic reasoning of why it perfectly is fine and even desirable to go up. If you are “news” you should at least write at the same time that their are those who allow and those who do not.

  5. It always has been and always will be (until Moshiach comes במהרה) absouutley forbidden to go up. thank you YWN for reporting this and keeping in the words of Halocho. TZVID you are talking rubbish and they should remove your post.
    those boys are misguided and the soldiers and police have a zechus that they didn’t allow the boys up.

  6. #1 that little twerp was not tough at all, the cops just didnt want to use to much force because he was a child if he was an adult they would have had him in cuffs in 4 seconds

  7. #3
    When Snow-White did not know which part of apple was poison, she would have done well to avoid entire apple:-

    When we don’t have clarity which part of HarhaBayis is Issur Koreiss, we would do well to avoid entire Har haBayis and not jeopardize our lives being Chayov korreis

  8. Lemaisa I feel bad for the kids they are 100 percent right on what they said that if I’m jewish why can’t I go on? I am so Maskim but I also feel bad for the police officers too because they are doing their job and he is fighting

  9. I’m shocked to hear anyone say this is a chilul hashem. This boy has inspired me. “Hashem tzilcha AL yad yeminecha”. If we all insist on going up there, the geula is already here. Absurd to say Arabs are allowed and jews aren’t. “et laasot lahashem heferoo toratecha” even if it’still a sin we should go up. Hashem appreciates sacrifice.

  10. It’s quite obvious that does who go and permit to go onto the HH have a political agenda not a halachic one. And besides it is unnecessary provocation which has cost jewish live in the recent past and may choliloh do so again in the future.
    YNet is completely right to follow the ruling of the authorative gedolim and state it IS AN ISSUR KARRES. Previous and current Gedolim have also studied the subject but objectively and ruled it IS AN ISSUR KARRES.

  11. The ongoing dichotomy between YWN’s reportage and the disclaimers on the matter of ascending the Har Habayis is likely creating confusion in some peoples’ minds, particularly Jews living in chutz la’aretz. This is not the first time that your article seems supportive and/or sympathetic toward those who go there, while a meek and mild disclaimer citing the opinion of the Gedolei Haposkim appears almost as an afterthought. I assure you the Gedolei Torah are not apologetic about their psak halacha.
    And to all the commenters here who think they understand Torah better than the Gedolei Hador, well, I have news fo you. You do not care for Hashem’s honor more than the Gedolim do. If they fobid going up to the Har Habayis, don’t be so impudent as to try to second guess them or to put a different spin on their psak halacha. YWN is a CHAREIDI WEBSITE and it not required to “objectively” report things the way you insist they should be (only with complete objectivity, of course). There are plenty of knitted websites that are saying what you like to hear/read. Perhaps those websites are more suitable for you. And in case any of the supporters of ascending the Har Habayis are interested, Rav Kook zt”l also forbade going there.

  12. @American— I don’t claim to know halacha better than the poskim. I would certainly not say it is permissible. However, this is a separate issue. Muslims are up there all the time. I say we need to keep attempting to go up in order to draw as much attention as possible to the issue. There is one possible way this issue is gonna end… with a Beit Hamikdash on the HH. This is exactly how we bring this reality closer. We keep pushing and we send people up and destroy that monstrosity up there and clean up God’s house. if Jews can’t go up, fine. We will send gentiles who are paid. But we should not accept this reality. it sickens me to see those dirty arabs up there playing soccer where Beit Hamikdash should be. That much I will argue to the face of the gadol hador himself and to anyone else who would oppose me. This is not a halachic issue. It is a Kidush hashem issue.

  13. How many Jewish lives were lost because of Jews moving to Europe? Probably a lot fewer than Jews going up to Har Habayis. Not that it’s mutar, but I’m just saying, not everything that Zionists do is ossur because of “it endangers Jewish lives”.

  14. No Jew should Ch’V go up to Har Habayis. The gedolim have been clear that it is assur. BUT, every single Gadol has said that it is a safek issur Kores. You can read rav Chaim Kanievsky’s letter. Not one said that it is mamish Kores (like the comments above said). In addition, Rav Elyashiv Zatzla was MUCH less concerned about Kores which he thought was not really an issue in the places they have Jews going now on Har Habayis, but rather he was concerned that it would provoke the Arabs.

  15. #15 JoJo — So you think that whether something is a Kiddush Hashem or Chillul Hashem is NOT a halachic issue? And you are not ashamed to write that you have the hubris to declare “to the face of the gadol hador himself” (!) or to “anyone else who would oppose you,” that YOU will teach HIM (or THEM) a lesson in protecting Hashem’s honor. I don’t think we are talking about the same Beis HaMikdash, Har HaBayis, or even the same Torah. I cannot understand how such insolence is tolerated on YWN.

  16. #10 you foolish person nothing to do with kiddush hashem or chillul hashem, until mashiach comes we are not allowed to go there and it wont help getting rid of there horrible places, it’s not called doing a sacrifice by going up there to try and make it only for jewish people and not arabs if it’s questionable if we are even allowed to be there!

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