WATCH: Hagon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Ariving To Visit Maran Hagon HaRav Shteinman

8 Responses

  1. Young bochurim, stopping squeezing in to take a picture of Rav Chaim! Rav Chaim might be one of the גדולי הדוד, but he’s not G-d. Put yourself in Rav Chaim’s shoes. Do you think he WANTS people to crowd around him? He’s a human being after all and he does deserve some entitlement of privacy.

  2. Yira: You are absolutely correct. This was a disgusting example of misplaced kovod. If Rav Chaim had seen he would have been disgusted.

  3. Sadly, we increasingly see this crude behavior anytime any of these gadolim moves about as well as in simchos and even at a levayah where the youngerleit climb on light poles, buildings and cars to “watch the action”. In some cases, they cause property damage or risk the safety of others in their mindless and aggressive efforts to be up close. Its really disgusting and dilute kavod of the gadol or the niftar or sometimes both.

  4. Okay, move on boys. It wasn’t as big a deal as you’re making it. Find something else to complain about. It’s almost a new day.

  5. That ashkenaz that threw the hat has no olam haba and i stress askenaz bec then they say sefardim are wild animals

  6. So horrifying to watch this. Small kids so excited to see a great Rav. The adults should have arranged them in a way that they could see the Rav. Instead the adults pushed the kids brutally. Kids were hanging dangerously off the door. Why not have arranged a viewing area along the outside of the door so the kids could have had a safe way to see the Rav. It is so scary to see when frum Yidden don’t behave like Derech Eretz Kadma LaTorah! They teach kids to venerate Rav like a Deity and then get angry when the kids want to,see the Rav. It would take 15 minutes of planning a path and safety of all.

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