WATCH: Tashbar Cheder In Williamsburg Holds ‘Anti-Zionist Demonstration’ In The Classroom

Children at an Orthodox Jewish school in Brooklyn gathered during the week of Israeli Independence Day to express their concern over the future of American Jewry, in the face of the dangerous climate created by the State of Israel and especially its prime minister, Bibi Netanyahu. One boy gave a short speech explaining traditional Torah opposition to Zionism, and addressing current events, such as the recent anti-Semitic killings in France and Denmark and Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, and the NYC M.T.A hate Ads.

(Above text was taken from YouTube and not edited by YWN)

46 Responses

  1. Very troubling. Talk about serious brain washing by the administrators of that School, upon these innocent children. How is this any different from what we see the Palestinian children being brain washed to hate the Israel/Jews in their Schools? Just like the Palestinian children are given candies, I see these young kids are being given raffle tickets. These children are being abused by that School. Do they get any public funding/tax dollars?

  2. Ugly and disgusting, got nothing better to teach your kids. I have some suggestions, how about talking to them about not talking in shul etc.

  3. Unfortunately we have Jews exiting orthodoxy, some “stage right” and some “stage left”. Both can be recovered if they keep kashrus in one key area – Gittin (Jewish Bill of Divorce).

  4. I pray every single day that chareidim and tzionim come together as one. This is not how Judaism is supposed to work and it’s very saddening to see what they are teaching in these schools.

  5. They should be teaching them some real life skills, not real life hatred. Btw what about not doing stupid things like this in front of the Aron Hakodesh?

  6. How many of these indoctrinated kids have relatives in Israel? Who will save THEM from Iran or Hamas? These is so pathetic. I don’t understand why they live here if they hate us so much. Let Tashbar’s bloodsucking relatives leave Israel & move in with their Williamsburg relatives – they’ll be exchanging one hovel for another.

  7. The state of Israel is against halocha and endangers Jews around the world, but it’s ok to film this and upload it to YouTube?

    מעוות לא יוכל לתקון

  8. Keep kids out of politics it’s horrible to hear them ranting about things they are too young to understand. Let them give speeches about the chumash they’re learning

  9. Wow, everyone else is power hungry and controlling but nothing about chassidus or being a Rebbe is. And it’s also very important to worry about ahavas hagoyim and what the Obama, who you vote for, thinks about your “skit”, but when your chiloni brothers in Eretz Hakodesh see this they will surely respect Yidishkeit and it’s chinuch. P.S. pls not in a shul with your back to an Aron Kodesh. But then again

  10. Looks like a color war rehearsal.

    Wonder who are the $$$$$$ FUNDERS for these events? When that is determined – all will make sense.

  11. A number of years ago, a chasidic group vandalized a local mosad. Whenever a member came into my shul to collect, I put the money aside for that modad to repair the damage. I suggest that if this organization wants to separate from Am Yisroel, we should separate from them.

  12. I understand their anti-zionist sentiment and agree that secular politics and rulers should have no influence in the Torah world. However, they are clearly delusional about Netanyahu. Do they have any proof that there is a grand scheme to force anti-semitism to happen? Why would the zionist government want to make Jews look bad when it will put Israel in danger too? They sound just like Arab and other politicians who spew their delusional accusations just to support their own position.

  13. KID CAN’T READ LOOSHON hakoydesh. SAYS Netanyooohee. Should be Nesanyooohee. As we now know this is a very old Yiddishe noomen from the zman uf de Mikdish fun before Yeyshu Ymach Shemoi.

  14. This brainwashing children in this manner is clearly against the wishes of the Satmar Rebbe the Divrei Yoel!!

  15. I must tell this story.

    In 1998 the 19 year old (very Satmar) son of one of my best friends came to spend a Shabbos w/us in Har Nof (my friend is not Satmar). This guy just loves the medina (N-O-T !). We had him, I and my wife, and another couple at our Shabbos table (I and my guest are what you could call Charedi-Baal Tshuvah-Baal Habatim). This 19 year old guy would just not speaking of his love (N-O-T !) for the medina.

    When we started to bentch I sang Shir HaMaalos to the nigun of HaTikvah. At the end of Shir HaMaalos the 19 year old Satmar guy said “That was a great niggun, where did you get it from”.

    I told him that it was the Israeli national anthem. The four of us Plotzed !! He didn’t laugh.

    I didn’t write this story to tell a joke (although it is funny).

    The point is that this 19 year old kid had absolutely no idea what he hated. These kids (and one day to be adults) also have no idea what they hate. This is what you call blind hatred, and unfortunately it’s very sad.

  16. This is horrible brainwashing. Bibi Natanyahu is a great man, and only wants us to be safe.I hope that them and their “Bibi Nitanyuhi” get paid back the way they deserve.

  17. There are 26 comments up already. I’m surprised that nobody made comment about the organization that put this out. It says right there on the video “, that’s a neturai karta group. What else would you expect from such trash!

  18. what every one needs to understand is that these satmars etc
    are ideologically bankrupt
    they have nothing to offer except this anti Zionist irrelevant nonsense
    and of course curing every rebbe and gadol that votes etc and does differently then them
    that’s why they make demonstrations every so often just to let you know that they are stil alive

    they are loosing the youth very quickly
    just ask the younger generation commit the cardinal sin of actually going to the kosel and kever rochel!!

  19. They are entitled to their opinion. But they don’t have to put it out in public so that all (of you) who don’t understand freak out. Also, this is a very radical part of the Satmar (?) world. While they may hold of their שיטה, most don’t waste precious school time on it. I know someone who was asked to leave one of their schools because he was teaching “קנאות”.

  20. I did not watch the video.
    But the knee-jerk reactions expressed here show how pathetic is this idol of Zionism.

    According to the greatest sages like the Chazon Ish, Zionism is against the Torah. Zionism is offensive to any sane thinking Jew, not withstanding any Zionist distortions (whether or not they are otherwise “religious”).

    This school is following Klal Yisrael’s mesorah of Torah opposition to Zionism. If they are Satmar, then their slight variation on that Mesorah includes some minor differences like not voting in Zionist elections. But it’s the Torah’s position either way.

    By putting it on YouTube, they are asking the gentiles to not be upset at Jewry as a whole for what the Zionists do, that Zionism is not Jewish. Instead of being upset at them, we should all be thanking them, regardless of one’s position on Zionism.

  21. By Jessica Steinberg May 7, 2015

    The Israeli government will no longer fine restaurant owners who present themselves as kosher based on private kosher certifications, the attorney general said, reversing a long-standing policy.

    The government will also cancel any previous fines already handed out to Topolino and Carousela, the two Yerushalayim restaurants named in the suit that were penalized for calling themselves kosher while not carrying the traditional kosher certification given by the rabbinate, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein said in an opinion to the High Court.

    The move was hailed by a number of progressive and non-Orthodox institutions, but the rabbinate, a publicly funded agency made up of Orthodox rabbis, reacted unhappily to the decision and planned on gathering an emergency meeting of its officials….

    If there is one thing that stands out as representing the status quo agreements going back to 1948 – and actually going back to 1935,

    It is thus..

    kashrus will remain solely in the hands of the rabbinate

    If status quo on kashrus is not part of the Basic Law – I don’t know what is.

  22. It’s very funny how people just jump on these people without even thinking.
    People say these kids are being “brainwashed”. Maybe we have been “brainwashed” to like the medinah. Have we ever done any really soul searching? Are we truly being intellectually honest?
    We all know that the Medinah is pretty much based on the model of “kochi v’otzi beyadi”, which the chumash tells us is a terrible form of kefriah.
    We all know that the original Zionists were directly responsible for secularizing thousands of Jews.
    We all know the hand some of the original Zionists had in Jews getting killed in the Holocaust.
    So maybe they have a point in their hatred for the state?
    On the other hand, it could be that we could take the positive things about the medinah and “throw away the peel”. I respect this opinion.
    These people feel like we can’t do that. I respect this opinion also.

  23. 31-34, YOU are the ones who aren’t thinking…

    This has nothing to do with the Holocaust. We all despise what the Zionists did at that era, but you gatta stop thinking that every zionist today is the same. Use your brain just a little. How do you see Netanyuhee was “happy” when yidden died? because he welcomed them to Israel?! and helping congress stop Obama on Iran is in order to make trouble for Jews in America?! are you crazy?!

  24. these comments are ridiculous
    lets say that all the gedolim were against the state
    the fact is its here its not going anywhere
    its the biggest supoporter of torah in the world contrary to all those loosers demonstrating on the street all day
    and the schonners who wont tell you now that the yeshivas got back their funding and alot of them retroactive
    so to indoctrinate little children that bibi is happy when jews in europe get killed shows how sick and demented these people are as well as some of the commentators here who just repeat the bs taht their rabayim have been feeding them

  25. computerbubby: Eretz Yisroel should spit you out and have you land in Cairo, the land of your erev rav forefathers, the 20% that stayed there after Makkos Choshech.

  26. gfrankel: You need to brush up on your humor if you think that silly “story” is funny. A person needs to know Hatikva in order to know zionism is against Judaism?

    Long Island Yid: Torah True Jews have nothing to do with the NK.

    HaKatan : Well said.

  27. you know YW only posted this just to get a reaction against the anti-zionists. that’s the real shame. and y’all took the bait. They just love to stir the pot.

  28. the words of “hakatan” on this matter is the toras emes of all the great sages of israel asher kol beis yisroel nishonim aleyhem. anyone who supports the state of israel has their allegiances farkrumpt our allegiance is to the torah and the ribbono shel olam, not chas vesholom any bosor v’dom

  29. Don’t worry kid, ‘Netanyoohee’ wouldn’t dream of speaking in your name.

    And shouldn’t that be ‘Nesanyoohee’? I guess that even NK/Satmars are slowly becoming crypto-Zionists :).

  30. I see a lot of un-true Torah defenders.

    Look, you guys are extreme, black & white etc. You don’t use your seichel.

    Just because you “don’t support the Medina” doesn’t mean Netanyahu is happy that people died, or that he challanged Obama on Iran in order to make trouble for American Jews – get with the program! Don’t be a one-track narrow mind!

    and it’s not just a theory being discussed, it’s what they teach their children as a fact!

    When one becomes a one-track mind he looses the ability to see how he himself is guilty of the same faults: These guys are “happy” when yidden get hurt in EY so they can point a finger… and ‘Hisgorus BaUmos’ is somehow only a problem when Zionists do it, but when it’s done to your American neighbors, and demonstrating with American enemies, somehow that’s not ‘Hisgorus BaUmos’…

  31. To clarify to MD and the others who don’t understand what the kid on the video means.
    Zionism is the epitome of kochi votzi beyadi. They believe that WE can protect all the Jews. Jews can’t survive outside of Israel since they don’t have an army to protect them. Hashem is not in the picture. This is kefirah. (I don’t think Neyanyahu is a Rasha for believing this since he is a Tinok shenishba probably.)
    This school of thought of these people take it one step further and believe that Zionists instigate these types of tragedies so that more Jews can come to Israel so we can protect them and so we can have a stronger state. (Sacrifice a few Jews so we can save many Jews). This was done during the times of the Holocaust (See the book Perfidy by Ben Hecht).
    It could be that the Zionists have changed since then, They don’t believe anything has changed. (I’m sure many people still think the same about Germany, that they are still all Nazis).

  32. Kvetcher: “They are entitled to their Shitah”…

    Is that so? – No they’re aren’t entitled. They’re entitled not to recognize the state, but they aren’t entitled to call anyone who disagrees as Kofer, Tomei etc. and to accuse every action of theirs as evil.

    These guys don’t believe that “people are entitled to their Shitah”. We do. Do we go demonstrate and degrade them in public for causing the draft law by not voting, or for all the Chilul Hashem they do?

    And what you said that some aren’t that extreme, well yes, a lot of them don’t want their kids involved etc. but the “one track mind” syndrome gripps them all…

  33. I guess the Novominsker Rebbe challenging Obama a few days ago also is trying to make trouble for Yidden in the US… How crazy!

  34. Meet the Satmar Hassidim Planning a Zionist Community

    By Gil Ronen
    First Publish: 5/3/2015,

    The Satmar Hassidic sect is infamous for its anti-Zionist creed, but according to a weekend exposé by Zvika Klein of Makor Rishon & NRG, a small group of the hassidim in New York City is secretly planning to make aliyah and establish a Zionist agricultural community.

    The organization is named “Zoreah – Hassidim for Settling the Land of Israel” and includes mostly Satmar hassidim, as well as some hassidim from other dynasties. They were all raised to hate Zionism and the state of Israel, and some of them even attend anti-Israel protests to this day. But they all decided, after deep study, that making aliyah should be their main goal in life.

    Instead, the hassid said – they are opting for an approach to their dream that is gradual – “like everything having to do with the Redemption.”

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