WATCH: Burning The Israeli Flag In Kiryas Joel – In Honor Of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai [See 1:15 In Video]

50 Responses

  1. Sick people. How can they stoop so low to do what the murderous Arabs do at their religious festivals.
    Chilul HaShem. Makes you think their whole cult is one big bluff.

  2. funny how this article paints all of kiryas Joel. I’ve seen pics of their bonfire and it has more than the 40 people seen in this picture. I don’t know where this is or who they are but definitely not the mainstream Kiryas Joel residents. (Just happens to be so!)

  3. Even if this somehow had a shaichuss to Lag Ba’Omer, who says that Reb Shimon bar Yochai paskened like the daas yachid of the gemara that no other Amora agreed with — the shita that Rav Yoel decided was more important than Kol Hatorah kulah?

  4. To paraphrase Heine: ‘this is but a prelude; where they burn the flag, they will in the end also burn people.’

  5. Moderator,

    Why was this so important to have on your site? I would expect this to be front news on loser unorthodox false follies sites but not yours!

  6. Disgusting beyond belief. Its one thing to disagree with the policies of the Israeli government but to so disgrace the medinah makes one wish that they meet the same fate as the flags they burn. Without the medinah literally tens of thousands or maybe hundreds of thousands of their brothers might not be alive today. Their reckless behavior has not possible justification

  7. These animals are just like the Palestinians who burn he Israeli flag. Why does YWN find this newsworthy? I hope real news sources don’t get this disgusting video

  8. The way the government treats the chareidi communities why should this surprise anybody. They’ve cut basic stipends plus, plus, plus!
    So what’s the reason to respect it altogether?

  9. The israelies that believe that their flag is so holy are the ones that are misleading by calling them self Jews. They clearly say they want to be like the goyim. This flag really symbolizes a group of anti-semitic, anti-jewish, mechallel shabbas.

  10. anybody who calls them terrorist must also call those who made a caricature drawing of mohamad terrorists. because people actually died because of the event.

  11. After watching the video, I’m not sold that was in kj. If this was in kj there would be THOUSANDS more people there, rather than the handful that seemed to be there.

  12. I’ll be dan lekaf zechus that it was several people of one sect who are missing some screws. You can’t condemn an entire group or city because of a lone, sick act of two people. The others don’t even seem to be watching what the nuts are burning. True, it’s painful to watch and it probably doesn’t belong on this website.

  13. Reform And Conservatives are not a chillul Hashem thats just plain AZ non jews but these frauds are the worlds greatest threat to authentic yahadus .Children of the Erev Rav sonai toirah soneh Hashem Sonau Klall Yisroel .Look at them ,is sickning behaimos fun ananderer velt, Chillul H idden ,H. yerachaim on all us emese yidden get rid of them

  14. These mechalilei Shem Shamayim occasionally come around schnorring…

    Never again ! (Never again will I give anyone from K”Y, N”Sq one dollar. Ever)

  15. 14,

    Just because they’re doing something you disagree with, doesn’t make them a non Jew.

    I think the simple difference is that Muslim terrorists YEMACH SH’MOM have no problem with killing Jews.

  16. The idiots shebahem are trying to put out the fire on the stick by fanning it which is only adding oxygen fuel to the fire!! Would any fellow commenters happen to know if such activity remains a violation of Israeli federal law? Skoyach.

  17. Before you cause MORE tragedies. Yes more. Please take this off. This is a major chillull Hashem. Why would one even wonder why Mashiac isn’t here, just look at what ” Jews” are doing. YWN, I thought you were better than this. The site has stooped to a new low.

  18. That made me want to throw up…please YWN don’t post this stuff..its really not needed and is sickening…I had to remind myself that they were Jews.

    May this fringe minority wake up soon from their delusion

  19. Clearly these unfortunate Jews miss the point of Lag Baomer and possibly all of Judaism. One of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s greatest qualities was that he was able to judge all Jews favorably. The fact that these people are denouncing an entire sect of Judaism is quite sad and even makes me embarrassed to be a Jew. Hopefully in time these people will come to their senses and learn to love every Jew as their own brother.

  20. How dare you put that garbage on your site,
    These ” people ” surly are the erev rav,
    and have NO business calling themselves Jews.

  21. As one attending the big bonfire in KJ, this is certainly not the mainstream, as you can see somewhere around 100 people attending contrary to the biggger bonfire with an attendance of quite a few thousand. But it all doesnt matter if yiu can write that Kiryas Joel is burning the flat. You are inciting hatred

  22. A Satmar Chasid for Kiryas Joel met a Religious Zionist. He said, “Listen here, there is no dispute between us whether Israel needs to have a flag. We both agree that they must have a flag. Where do we argue? In this: You hold “Hanocho Oseh Mitzvah” and we hold “Hadloko Oseh Mitzvah”.

  23. Some Satmar Chassidim were reported having been burning an Israeli flag in public. When the Satmar Rov, R’ Yoel Teitelbaum zt”l, was questioned about this and the possible Chillul Hashem involved, he replied, “It wasn’t my chassidim burning it. I only have six chassidim and they’re all in the Beis Midrash learning.”

  24. How sad that the Zionists have so fooled so many.

    Their burning a piece of cloth makes them no different from savage murderers? How moral.

    Because some Jews in the USA burned the Zionist flag, you are willing to go so far as to (curse) wish that these Jews should burn, perhaps like the Christian auto-da-fe which ended not that long ago, CH”V? Because of a piece of cloth? Are you Jewish?

    As to your baseless claim that “Without the medinah literally tens of thousands or maybe hundreds of thousands of their brothers might not be alive today”:
    actually, if you know what the Zionists have done to our people from way before 1948 including during WW II, not to mention the Zionist wars in Israel that have been a feature from day 1 in 1948, you would know that the truth is actually exactly the opposite of your assertion.

  25. Wow kfb! Unorthodox hatred! To equate someone burning a symbol with somebody burning a human. Get another puff.

    Gadolhadorah, go read history. Boats full of holocaust survivors were sunk by the founders of this israel. Sooo yes many of our brothers aren’t alive today due to them. Now I don’t say that israel didn’t help many jews, just that their hands aren’t clean either. And getting sooo worked up over “disgrace the medina” , burning symbols, you wish them the same fate? That says a lot about your rational state of mind.

    Yagel I’m stumped by prophecy.

    Motcha, rav yoel never did this in his lifetime, dragging him into this stupid story which he when alive never did….

    Themir, while I dislike what they did, align them with terrorists? Arabs aren’t terrorists for burning flags. Sorry.

    Interesting to see the clear decide. Some dislike and say ywn doesn’t have to give them a platform, by publishing this ywn is disgracing israel etc. And the others just are out to bash another yid at every opportunity.

  26. Wow! what a response on an act of a lunatic. What a response on the burning of a piece of cloth.

    This gathering of non-affiliated people/musicians in KJ, to celebrate lag-boimer on a small scale.

    after all the flag is the symbol of medinas yisroel which was founded by Hertzel Y”mSh in a continuation of the rusty chain (of Tzedoikim, Shatz, Mendolson) to solve to Jewish Problem by substituting their faith with nationalism.

    And all gedolim of the past generations most gedolim hold that it’s minus; And as r’ Elchonon Vasserman explains it in detail that Religious Zionism is Avoda Zora Beshituf.

    With that said; the bartenura says on the mishna in Avos (3,3);
    ועבודה זרה קרויה צואה, דכתיב (ישעיהו ל) צא תאמר לו

    So this flag is a real ugly object.
    So that is the reason the Satmar Rav Zatzal didn’t bother with the flag, and thought of the people with it as idiots.

    But, to the people that this flag means so much; I would suggest that they test them-self; Do i get so mad when someone speaks at chzuras hashatz, or Krias Hatora? Do i get so furious when someone embarrasses another fellow jew, or even if someone hurts me directly? I am sure the anser will be “NO” So why does the Zionism in me deserve such a dire affection? The answer is because we put Nationalism in place of faith which is Ch”v עבודה זרה r”L Hashem Yerachem

  27. 22,

    Thats as asinine as anyone saying they wont give to anything jewish because of one tipish or of saying everyone here is foolish based only on your post.

    There are wackos out there claiming affiliation to satmar. Big deal. Deny giving their bikur cholim, tomche shabbos etc money because of 10 people??????

    What did Skvere do to you? Or you hate everyone that isn’t exactly you?

    I daven you never need bikur cholim of any sort in any hospital because i wouldn’t want you to ch’v derive any benefit from satmar, belz, skver, bobov, etc!!

  28. Dear bdtz,
    Your comments on this topic are really sad and clearly ridiculously biased. To call Herztl a “yemach shemo” and knocking on the entire Zionist Sect of Judaism is uncalled for and hurtful. Zionism is a way of life, very similar to being chareidi or something to that effect. To the “frum” zionists it does not infringe on our religiosity whatsoever, it simply is a mindset and a set of beliefs. So yes it is hurtful that you think that we don’t have just as high a standard of Judaism as you think you do. Maybe you should test yourself to see if you have a decent enough level of ahavat Yisrael as you think you do.

  29. Satmer does do lots of Chesed, and on the other hand the Flag is not that of a big deal, however the idea that burning it is something of a way to celebrate anything, let alone the day of lag b’omer, the one day that the talmidim of Reb akiva stopped passing away, and to have children of all ages think that this is the way to serve hashem, is retarted, and shame on the Satmer Manhigim, and don’t tell me that its only a small group, the old saying goes “when a fish starts to smell, it atarts to smell from the head” all the way from the holy Rabaini Yoel

  30. Oh and p.s. For all of the people who are commenting saying what’s the big deal about just burning a cloth, what would happen if YWN were to post a video of zionists burning tzitzit. You would all be up in arms about burning cloth so stop with the contradictory comments please.

  31. Query both to the flag burners and moreso to it’s horrified pathetic defenders:How come you give so much tangible value to this ‘piece of cloth’?

    The flag was originally copied from the late 19th century Reform temples of New England

  32. #42notyeshivish

    ‘call Herztl a “yemach shemo” ‘

    14 years ago an old jew related to myself, that decades ago he asked whether it was appropriate to call Herzl “yemach shemo” and he was told “yes”

    “Zionism is a way of life”

    How sad.
    Could you have put it any worse?

    Who you umbrella with somehow says zero about who you are?!

    If you imagine you will accomplish our goals from within, there is what to be said for that, but all the more so you ought to give credence to critics

  33. notyeshivish,

    There could always be room to improve for all

    Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch was defamed as much or more than anyone in his day as a destroyer of achdus and for his lack of ahavas yisroel

    Pulling out ahavat Yisrael is feeble .

    Leave that to the heads of reform ,conservative or Avi weiss

    psalm 97:10

    take these posts as a challenge

    the onus shall be on you to prove them mistaken

  34. To about time,
    I really do appreciate you calling me pathetic. But let’s be honest here for a second, if, say, the chareidi community had a national flag and there was a video of zionists burning it you would be very upset as well. I’m not telling you that you’re completely wrong, I’m just telling you to look at it from the other side as well and not to let a bias get the better of you. In terms of the history lesson, what matters is not where it came from, if that story is even true but what matters is what it represents today. Actually, if you ever go to visit mishkan shilo, in the floor of an ancient church you can see a magen David design, so I think you may want to rethink what you said.

  35. while I am not offended by the burning of the flag of the group that the Holy Chofetz Chaim zya himself called “Amalek” it is disingenuous to say that this represents Kiryas Joel, this is actually from a small group of dissidents who have no Rebbe and seek to dissolve the existence of the Village of Kiryas Joel because they consider it to be too Zionist!

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