WATCH: Ethiopian Protest in Jerusalem Turns Violent

13 Responses

  1. This video really requires context! A (religious) Ethiopian soldier was (potentially) unlawfully assaulted by a policeman. This is what the protests are in response to!

  2. YouTube isn’t letting me view the video in Safety Mode. >.< But my first thought about the headline is, Baltimore much?

    It's my opinion that Israel only brought in a black people to their country to be like the goyishe missionaries who go to Africa and turn the natives into devout X-men. And maybe they want to seem all liberal and democratic by having a "diverse" population that includes black people, just like America, where celebrating diversity just means celebrating African-American and/or Hispanic cultures. And maybe that's why the illegal immigrant African thugs who were in the news for making trouble in Tel Aviv a few years ago were allowed to get away with their crimes.

    Anyway, the whole King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba/Ethiopia tale doesn't fly with me. (By the same logic, shouldn't Israel be airlifting in Egyptians and people of whatever other nationalities King Solomon took wives from? 'Coz maybe he had children with them who returned to their mothers' idolatrous countries and had kids of their own….) And the way the modern Ethiopians I have met in Israel conduct themselves, I do not have any reason to think they currently have any real connection to Yiddishkeit. Their behavior strikes me as worse than the secular Israelis – yes, I'm judging them by their actions, not by the color of their skin.

  3. Frum-n-Fair? That’s what you call yourself? They’re just as Jewish as all of us and have the right to be in Israel like any Jew.

    That’s not the way a “frum” person talks. More importantly, why did the moderators allow this ?

  4. I was at this intersection maybe 10 minutes before this video and there were large numbers of policemen acting in their usual heavy-handed way.This was a protest of JEWISH Ethiopians who have something to protest after an Ethiopian Israeli soldier was appallingly attacked earlier this week by a policeman in Holon(see the video here on YWN! )There should be criminal charges against that policeman!

  5. This discussion isn’t about whether or not you accept Ethiopians as Jews. The chillul Hashem is from the police who have no shred of being rachmanim. The behavior of the Ethiopian people is fully justified against the police, who are known to frum yidden to use undue force in every situation and never show restraint. Shame on the kano’im here who are too blind to differentiate right from wrong and instead blame the victims, the poor Ethiopian people who have suffered tremendously. True kano’im will point to the great Chillul Hashem and bemoan the rotting of the Yiddish policemen’s neshamos.

  6. The problem here what I believe is that these eithiopians are identifying themselves with the soldier because he’s Jewish but because he’s black….what we all know is that he didn’t get beat because of the color of his skin he got beat because the cop has a general issue that needs to be corrected….I’m not saying the soldier was wrong I’m saying the issue is in the cop but these protesters are not joining up because this is unjust they’re joining up because he’s black and they want to be like the goyim in baltimore….what they soon learn is unlike America the cops there don’t have to let them protest in peace and for that I aplaud Israel.
    ..wetter or not the cop was wrong this liberal b.s. needs to stop everywhere. Sometimes democracy works and sometimes it doesn’t. If the forefathers of America would’ve known how much free speech would be abused I bet they never would wrote in there….

  7. SaraZippora (#11): The difference is the Europeans you mentioned are Jewish. The ones Frum-n-Fair (#4) spoke of are not.

  8. @ Chacham

    In fairness, Chacham, it’s a machlokes.

    Personally I don’t seem the need to challenge Rav Ovadia zatzal on the matter, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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