WATCH: Yom HaZikaron Siren 2015 at the Entrance of Jerusalem – Israeli Remembrance Day

2 Responses

  1. After noting your extensive coverage of Israeli Remembrance Day and Independence Day, I’m sort of confused which yeshiva(s) world you represent? No Chareidi paper here in Eretz Yisroel covers these non-frum events to the extent that you have been doing. I mean what’s with the long aricle citing Moshe Feiglin’s remarks that was the headline article for a while today? Is he a rav, a rosh yeshiva, mashgiach, or other mechanech? He might be a fine individual, but as far as the chareidi tzibur here is concerned, he’s a highly opinionated fellow, but his opinions are of the same as someone who sells vegetables in the shuk. Furthermore, reporting all this news without any comment or disclaimer about what da’as Torah has to say about much of this is extremely misleading, expecially to the tzibur in the U.S. that may not completely understand the Israeli situation and the issues with which the chareidim here are confronted. Many might construe from YWN that there is little or no difference between chareidim and non-chareidim. I realize that I will be accused of machlokes-mongering, etc. But I’d strongly recommend getting some clear guidelines from some da’as Torah either in the U.S. or in Eretz Yisroel, what and how to report non-chareidi (Zionist) news on your website.

  2. How dare you A.Y.?! Instead of a thank you to the soldiers on yom hazikaron your complaining that it’s “not chareidi enough”

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