WATCH: Hatikva Blaring On Loudspeaker In Geula On Yom Hazikaron

In a less than frequent occurrence, Hatikvah was heard on the streets of Geula, apparently played from one of the houses in Geula the eve of Memorial Day. It may be this was done to counter the Neturei Karta demonstrations during the wailing of the memorial siren at 20:00.

18 Responses

  1. They should find the mechutzif who was blasting this drivel in public and make sure he’ll need a new set of speakers if he ever dares think of trying to pull this off again.

  2. They should at least have played the original more traditional version {although written by avowed heretic N.H. Imber} than than the present one with it’s secularist overtones.

  3. A new Chareidi initiative was launched for Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, called “Sheket, Zochrim” or “Be Silent, We are Remembering”.

    The initiative was launched by Rabbi Ze’ev Rothman, as an attempt to connect the two minutes of silence with an older Jewish tradition of saying Tehillim (Psalms) and prayers for the deceased.

    His idea united both the secular and religious together during this moment of silence as we all remember Israel’s fallen.

    A silent prayer during the moment of silence.

    The flyers were handed out in shopping centers, stores and schools and targeted everyone from Chareidim to secular. Over 50,000 flyers were printed and distributed.

  4. toras satin i mean moshe- your suggestion to intimidate through violence and property damage is consistant with your idol worshiping hashkafa.You dream of worse crimes than the zionist entity ever commited.

  5. It doesn’t look as though most of the people know what is being played just like they don’t know the fairy lights they are sold as Sukkah decorations are made for Xmas!

  6. Baruch HaShem someone was brave enough to play this nationdl anthem tonight I am saying Hallel with a Bracha as I will tomarrow. Recognizing this beautiful gift HaShem Yisboruch gave us in our lifetime. This miracle we call Medinat Yisroel.

  7. This guy blaring this music – is NOT worse than the Netura Karta demonstrating and making a huge Chilil Hashem.

  8. #10

    The original version was actually different(as you probably are aware but choose to ignore)

    It insults all Shomrei mitsvos by its line that the dream of the Jewish people is to live a life free of Torah and Mitsvos. It also insults many loyal Arab citizens of Israel. Plus it is set to the melody of a goyish folk melody.

    How come it was changed?!

    Are you aware that today secular askenazim specifically articulate ‘chofshi’

    with an archaic ‘Kamatz’?

    Like their “free” european forbears?!

    How come?!

    Can you guess?!

    דאמר רבי יוחנן: מאי דכתיב (תהלים פח, ו) במתים חפשי, כיון שמת אדם – נעשה חפשי מן המצות

    By the way, even R’ Kook didn’t like HaTikvah and he wanted to replace it with something else.


    Eh.. you have little problem changing the date of Hallel from the normal Fifth of of the Month to the Fourth of the Month this year !

    And with a Bracha !

  9. with all the complaints about the term chofshi in the song, you do realize that in the Haggada we just read recently. It says, “L’Shana Haboa Bnei Chorin” So it appears that there is nothing wrong with saying that we wish to be free.(it doesn’t automatically mean we wish to be “Frei”)

  10. I don’t know if my husband’s minyan says Hallel, but we stood & said Tehillim (before we even heard of the sheket project)last night & today when the siren rang out. And yes, we are grateful for the chance to live in Israel.

  11. LRR18 – FYI, it is well known that Rav Unterman z”l and the Rav z”l (HaRav Y. B. Halevi Soloveichek) were against reciting a berachah on Hallel on Yom HaAtzma’ut.

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