WATCH: ‘Kosher For Passover Cigarettes’ Explained To YWN

7 Responses

  1. Any rabbi that gives supervision on cigarettes should not give supervision on anything. I would not trust this rabbi to give supervision as a dog catcher. Cigarettes are known for getting cancer and other diseases that kill people.

  2. If you don’t eat Chametz you shouldn’t smoke. There happens to be a wall-to-wall consensus that smoking is assur today
    (for some מקורות you can search “לקט דברי הפוסקים בענין איסור עישון סיגריות”).

  3. Even more accurate would be to ask if you can get a hechsher for pork? Tobacco use is assur by all contemporary poskim; and seforim have been written about it. The only possible heter is for persons who are already addicted, but they must quit or seek help in quitting, and i is assur for a person to begin smoking. When you see a hechsher on cigarettes, you can suspect that money is behind it.

    The fault however is not the smoker’s. It is the industry that designs, manufacturers, and sells these products to children, who are susceptible to trying them, as well as to adults. It is said that tobacco is the only product that will kill a user if used according to manufacturer’s instructions.

  4. so you’re saying once they’re doing something thats (very likely) assur we should let it be chametz so that they’re doing something even worse?

  5. #5: see #2. If salmon and beef is ossur mishum sakonoh, then maybe we should give a hechsher on it so people who’ll eat it anyway won’t be oiver on any other aveirois.

    BTW, where do we find that Pesach is called “chag ha’aviv”, as in the photo?

  6. # 6. Rebbe Yid – The problem is that there are those (like my shvugger) who quit every pesach, and some even stay off cigs afterwards.

    These new Hechsherim could likely cause almanos and yesomim down the line, RCh”L.

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