WATCH: Yachad Party Candidate Baruch Marzel Attempts To Enter Store In Hebron, Results In Brawl

Yachad party candidate Baruch Marzel, accompanied by attorney Itamar Ben-Givir (wearing the white shirt & yarmulke) visit the PA (Palestinian Authority) of Hebron and attempt to enter a store.

13 Responses

  1. Marzel (contraction of Moach Barzel) is good at fighting, but in politics we need people who use their heads for thinking and not for fighting.

  2. Why pick a fight? I don’t get it!
    To defend is one thing: I’m all with him on that end but to initiate a brawl – to what end? Why?

  3. It is unlikely such belligerance will attracy any new support for Yachad (since those who approve of Marzel have no alternative but to vote for Yachad, or abstain), but it might alienate those who are considering Yachad but have options (such as Shas, Kulanu or Bayit Yehudi).

  4. Very disturbing video. Those Dogs dressed as Jews were mamesh mazikim! Where do they come off damaging the Arab store owners merchandise? And then people wonder why the Arabs hate us so much. What a Chillul Hashem!!! I lost all respect for that fat Marzel!

  5. #5 what “picking a fight” ? Watch the vide closely. The Arab punched a Jew in the face. Unlike some other Jews, these brave Jews punched them back. Just because some people like you are not used to defending themselves should not mean that you criticize those Jews who actually do defend themselves and Am Yisrael and are not cowards.

  6. to # 8. Who are you to judge who is a dog or not? you would rather call your brothers dogs but Has veSholom will call any names those real animals? Did you see on video clearly the fights began when the Jewish guy was pushed by an arab? Chillul Hashem? really, you must be an expert! Maybe the store owners should have hang the sign NO Jews NO Dogs are allowed, and the Jews should have listened. And maybe Jewish store owners have to do the same to arabs

  7. Not getting involved #8 is 100% correct. Marzel is rasha and provacator who endangers Jewish lives with his provocative in your face zionism. He belongs in a prison cell so he cannot damage the Jewish people.

  8. after seeing the video, I think that since it was the Arab who un-democratically decided to not allow Jews to enter his store and actually started the brawl by pushing and shoving the Jew out, I think in this case, the government should have arrested the Arab on charges of discrimination and public disorder.

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