WATCH: Celebration in the Streets of Jerusalem as Talmidim Released from IDF Jail

8 Responses

  1. There is more to the story!
    They were NOT arrested for learning Torah – there is a prelude to the story which is not being reported. It has to do with a nasty fight in Ponivesz. They were arrested then and once in the system they did a Torah concept of Gilgul Shvuah (sort of!)
    But if this demonstration was such a kiddush HaShem why all the trash on the streets?
    Why also was it done where thousands of people travell5had their time wasted due to the demonstration for Torah!! Ka’eelu! Torah doesn’t hurt people! Far too many people’s lives were affected by this so-to-speak “support of Torah” – something seems wrong! I can’t put my finger on it!

  2. The only thing that makes me cringe is seeing all those leaflets on the ground, which serves no purpose other than leaving a huge mess left behind by chareidim which is a chilul Hashem.

  3. Nauseating, leave Israel if you are not willing to fight or do some sort of civil service. Your tefilos and learning can be done on the battlefield or while giving service to your country some other way. Your blood is not more valuable than our other brothers and sisters. A real disgrace.

  4. They were arrested for openly declaring, by refusing to report to the army, that they are going to learn Torah in spite of the massive physical coercion and economic incentives to serve in the army. The Zionists are already seen by most of the world as blood thirsty militarists who have created a modern day “Sparta”, and the non-violent refusal of Torah scholars to support the medinah is a tremendous Kiddush ha-Shem. Unlike those who spend their time fighting with the neighbors, those Jews who have prioritized Torah and MItsvos are the ones who are saving the yishuv of Eretz Yisrael from destruction.

  5. Hey Chuck, if Torah is so important to you, stop wasting your time on the Internet and commenting on blogs, which is sheer Bitul Zman, and devote your time to either working for a living and any other time should be for Torah study. No justification for this bitul zman if you are so devoted to Torah

  6. what a fool, the guy on that motorbike. “a few of his friends helping him” oh really? wow, that crowd looks like a bit more than a few. And besides ” all the gedolei yisroel”…. yiddishkeit is built on bechira. It says: “asei lecha rav” Perhaps those few friends of his have another rav. Yiddishkeit is the opposite of communism; it’s a beautiful combination of many different types serving and searching to serve hkb”h…. there are plenty of gedolim that have said not to sign up.

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