WATCH: Celebration Of Release of Talmidim from IDF Jail Underway At Bar Ilan & Yechezkel Streets

6 Responses

  1. These foolish fellows are unable to perceive larger than themselves. It be far more ADVANTAGEOUS to all if they would tone it down.

    The media is already there in droves playing up for the whole country how all these guys are celebrating their “beating of the official system”

  2. They’re dancing because they are being protected by other Yiddishe Kinder who are risking their lives at the front against Hizbolah.

  3. Yaer Lapid loves these guys. Just convinces more Israelis to vote for Yesh Atid. Can’t understand why this faction wants Yesh Atid to get bigger?

  4. Baruch Hashem for our hero bochorim who were moser nefesh their freedom for standing up for the Torah and Torah values. Saying this loud and clear in the streets of Eretz Yisroel is the only way the anti-semites will get the message that we will not bow down to their army idol.

  5. #5

    So you personify of much of what the Prophets decried

    namely calling evildoers “good” while caling those[even if perhaps foolish] who intend good “evil”

    Who is then the tzaddik?

    Your ilk who at every opportunity stick their hooves up in air saying
    ” kosher”?

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