WATCH: Old Man Stops Protesters From Breaking Traffic Light At Kikar Shabbos

12 Responses

  1. There are 3 videos on the opening page of YWN at the moment I am writing this comment (Shevat 19 (February 9), 3:10 pm, Chicago time). None of two of them fail to show anything reported in the headline, and if you think a boy in jeans cannot be frum, then none of them show anything reported.

    Does YWN have somebody videotaping stuff in Israel, and someone who, knowing nothing about the circumstances of the videos, makes up headlines about the videos?

  2. How horrible. Even if we don’t agree with the medina, wouldn’t it be better to leave the state than to make such a chillul hashem? Chillul Hashem isn’t a chumra, it’s right there in the Torah. How do we explain this to our children?

  3. what a busha! This is supposed to show that bochrim shouldn’t be drafted and instead should be learning?! Why don’t they demonstrate their willingness to learn by nothing else, but actually sitting and learning.
    To protest is one thing, but what right do they have to cause damage to city property? Are they going to pay for the damage which they cause?
    On top of all of this is the massive chilul Hashem caused, Hashem Yirachem.

  4. All those at the protest should be taken right to the army, looks like they have nothing better to do and no Jewish values to lose.

  5. This video is actually a bright spot of this protest (if thats possible). I know because I was there just passing by looking for some gifts. For at least 30 minutes the police let them do what they want. The protesters were ultra ultra violent – not a ounce of respect for property or people or anything. BH Nobody got hurt but there were a few times I thought someone will get seriously hurt and maybe worse. It felt much more intense then years ago when they protested other random things (graves, shabbos, etc) . I Think the police strategy was to tire them out or someone said that the police dont care cause its our own neighborhood and we can “burn it down if they want”

    Many people on the side were saying “chilul hashem” and almost everyone was upset at the violence but anyone that got close to actually confront them got yelled at or worse. Others were asking “where are the Police” to get them to stop but when they came, the trouble makers (and they were very numerous) started screaming “Nazeees” so the police are in a no win situation.

    Further more, There were a few professional press cameras rolling and literally 100s of people videoing off their smart phones so this video actually makes it look better then it was for us.

    I would also point out that There was no major presence of Yerushalmis as in past demonstration. It seemed like mainly ultra yeshivish americans who are now living in Israel and ultra yeshivish ashkenza isralies.

  6. I listen to a certain Great Man’s torah tapes. I understand him to say one can’t turn attributes on and off. For example if one doesn’t respect his parents he won’t respect his Creator. Do you think these people pay for their shul, and help keep it clean? They probably throw garbage onto the floor. You need to respect property and also respect police and law and order. No matter your excuses.

  7. These demonstrations inare variably as a matter of course instigated by the GSS (Shaba”k -Internal secret police.) Although unbeknown to most of those out on the streets

    Primarily in order to impact the atmosphere of the coming elections

    (The GSS pay charedim and others up to 10,000 NIS /mo. )

  8. cont. from #11

    Judging by the comments,they were successful

    For anyone who concludes this to be novel or an exaggeration ,to insiders this barely raises an eyebrow

    For one,read a Bio written by a police undercover who lived in Mea She’arim in the ’70s

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