VIDEO: Frum Boy Puts Out Dumpster Fire At Kikar Shabbos Hafganah

13 Responses

  1. Not sure how you can say frum when the clip clearly shows the man wearing unholy jeans which gedolei yisroel have spoken out against many times.

  2. Your remarks are incredibly offensive !!!! My entire Shul is full of frum, learned & learning men who wear Jeans !!!
    Perhaps he was trying to help all the people who live in Geula breathe – with asthma, etc.

  3. Hmmm, so what #1 & 2 is saying that the definition of Frum depends solely on manner of dress. In other words, external. The person who set the fire that could have spread or caused smoke inhalation problems, especially if someone is ill and exposed to it, is Frum if he wears the “right” cloths?

    You guys need to get your priorities straight. The kid who put out the fire is certainly far greater of a mentch.

  4. It says quite clearly in the 3rd commandment “thou shall not wear jeans as they are an abomination” it’s right after the 2nd commandment that says “thou shall wear a shirt that’s fit for angels” rashi interprets this as meaning a white shirt I mean how can u call this apikoires in the video frum???!?

  5. If the boy is frum, would this fire extinguishment count as “national service” so he can learn instead of serving in the IDF.

    And who started the fire, and when?

  6. #1 and #2 he wears jeans and you’re immersed on the Internet . Who’s who? I vote for the guy in jeans saving others . Now go save yourselves . Halevei you should be able to be in a good enough place to help others -, with and without jeans . Be’hatzlacha !

  7. Do u guys seriously think 1 and 2 are serious? It’s obvious they are being sarcastic and probably laughing how riled up everyone got.

  8. #6 #7 & #9 Every troll upends your stability?

    These demonstrations are as a matter of course instigated and fueled by the GSS Shaba”k -Internal secret police. (Although unbeknown to most of those out on the streets)

    Primarily in order to impact the atmosphere of the coming elections

    The GSS pay charedim and others up to 10,000 NIS /mo.

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