WATCH: Israeli Cops Rough Up Frum Man At Protest in Kikar Shabbos

10 Responses

  1. “Rough Up”? I don’t think so. It looked like handbag stuff to me.

    Unfortunately, the Yerushalmis (I lived amongst them while I was learning in the Mir) don’t care for exercise so they let off steam by demonstrating and lashing out against the “Pishtara” (as we used to call them).

    The Israeli Police aren’t much better and everyone has a really good time beating eachother up until it’s time to go back to Yeshiva, or directing the traffic, until the next controversy arises.

    I just wonder how long we in chutz lo’oretz – who are funding this batlonus – are going to continue supporting it.

  2. And why was he ruffed up. Was he minding his business walking down the street or was he having a good time at a demonstration

  3. Ah, but what precipitated the action by the police? There are clearly other frum men in the area and the police leave all of them alone. Your video begins with the police running from a distance towards that one ‘frum’ man. What had he done to cause the police to react? Your video conveniently omits that.

  4. Interesting how YW decides that the frum guy is innocent until proven guilty, and the cop is guilty until proven innocent.Next time , skip your bias “Journalism” and show the whole video

  5. By yesterdays protest there was someone who was so badly beat up that he couldnt walk. They had to bring the police car to him so they could through him in. They are vicious and brutal, and yes, alot of people they ‘catch’are just standing on the side and watching. The cops over here have no ‘zich’. They cant control themselves. They let thier anger out like little kids.

  6. We would like to know why this ‘Git Meshige'( kishmo kein hu) guy is missing a halacha that says people who keep mitzvos you hav to be dan l’kaf zechus, and someone who doesn’t keep mitzvos (cop) is a mitzvah to be dan l’kaf chovah, which means that when we see him doing something that might be right or wrong we assume he’s doing something wrong.

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