WATCH: IDF Tanks Heading to Northern Israel On Friday Afternoon

7 Responses

  1. Oy, are you saying there should be no hishtadlus on our part? Go learn some history. Did Hashem command Moshe Rabbeinu and Yehoshua that Bnai Yisroel to fight or to learn Torah and Hashem will do the fighting alone?

  2. BarryLSI, thank you for your comment, it is unbelievable how our history as a Jewish Nation has been distorted. we have never been commanded not to fight and defend ourselves. The whole Chumash and Navi is full of our battles. From our Avos onward, we were always told to do our Hishtadlus in defending ourselves militarily and to Learn and to Pray. All three. Now the Hishtadlus part has been removed. Why is that?

  3. #3 & #4

    cf.Shemos 14:14

    Uh,!) the Ma’apilim were commanded not to fight

    Would they listen?
    Interesting that the early zionsts dubbed themselves “ma’apilim”

    2)Chazal were against the Baryonim fighting..

    3)Chazal were against Bar Kochba fighting

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