WATCH: Chasidic Man Cheers On #Ferguson Protesters In Times Square And Leads Chant: ‘Good People Deserve Respect…’

11 Responses

  1. Power to him! I hope this goes VIRAL!!!!!

    When Jews are in trouble, we expect others to defend and support us, but we dont generally publicly defend and support anyone not Jewish!

    I hope this goes VIRAL!!!!! and encourages other Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Jews to follow!!!! Otherwise we have no right to expect others to support us!

  2. either he wants attention or he is nuts,in the meantime he is alienating police dpts, whom we need more on our side then those rabble rousers.

  3. Torah4Me says:
    November 26, 2014 at 6:13 pm
    What a Chillul H-shem, Terrible

    Huh? Its a Chilul Hashem to say GOOD PEOPLE DESERVE RESPECT?

  4. I loved this. Whether we agree or disagree that there was some kind of injustice, these people feel frustrated, and unfortunately most demonstrators across the country dont know what to do with that negative emotion except to create more destruction and division. This yid showed them that you can feel passionate about some cause and yet be constructive, not destructive. He showed them how to channel frustration into a positive and emesdik message:if your BEHAVIOR is good, then you will be respected. See the power a yid has to create a positive koach? This yid will stick out in these people’s memory—definitely a kiddush Hashem!

  5. “This yid will stick out in these people’s memory—definitely a Kiddush Hashem!”


    avi732, perhaps the facial expression was from a sense of accomplishment, having done the right thing.

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