Video Of Interest: Har Nof Hespedim At The End Of Shiva For The Four Kedoshim

2 Responses

  1. I urge you to search for Rebetzin Twersky’s speech last night and listen to it. She is a chashuva woman with a very important message.
    I put YWN to the test that if in a time of succh terrible tragedy, a woman that was zoche to be the ezer knegdo of a tzaddik that died al kiddush hashem in this manner. That his wife in an emesidg way comes out to speak; that you air her true words of mussar. Otherwise, you will fall to the level of the rest of the sheker called “media” where you cut and paste for your own interests. If you really are emes; you bring out all the messages these special women had to say. At the end of the day, not me or you were zoche to have our spouses die in this manner and serve as a lesson for klal yisroel.

    Moderators Note: Anyone have any idea what this person is talking about? We sure don’t.

  2. It’s a pity for you to expose your level of tenacity and bias in just this one sentence. While your hashkafos on this website are pretty ok. It is a far cry from what it should be.

    Moderators Note: With all due respect, we still haven’t a CLUE What you are referring to or talking about. Feel free to contact YWN directly.

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