AUDIO: YWN Exclusive: Greenfield Explains Bold Plan To Build 2,000 New Housing Units in Boro Park


On his weekly radio program last night, Councilman David Greenfield laid out his support of a bold new housing plan proposed by R’ Nachman Caller to build as many as 2,000 units of affordable housing in Borough Park. Councilman Greenfield addresses critical questions such as: Why weren’t we able to build housing before? Why do we even need more housing in Boro Park? Where will all these new people park their cars? Greenfield also took live calls from listeners.

Greenfield explained clearly that he was not supporting either candidate for Assembly, but praised both Assemblyman Dov Hikind and R’ Nachman Caller for their qualifications. Greenfield specifically pointed to the TAP bill that Assemblyman Hikind passed into law in 2011 and to R’ Nachman’s advocacy against casinos in the Catskills and his many years as prominent attorney and askan in our community.

YWN obtained an exclusive clip of the show, and it’s worth a listen below. Greenfield hosts a popular radio show every Thursday night at 7pm on 620AM on the radio dial.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Did Greenfield ever ask Boro Parkers if they want 2,000 more housing units in their neighborhood. We don’t want our neighborhood so densely populated. It is a burgeoning neighborhood already. It will spoil the quality of life. And it will bring elements into Boro. Park that will change the neighborhood forever.

  2. He promised us houses 5 years ago…. Where is the housing ?
    I just passes by 19th Ave and 62nd St and the Sanitation trucks are still there.

  3. “Did Greenfield ever ask Boro Parkers if they want 2,000 more housing units in their neighborhood”.

    Chassidim not beholden to Hikind will clearly answer that iyH.

  4. Boro Park is a packed neighborhood already. No one wants 2,000 more housing units here. Politicians assume that people want that. It will change the face of Boro Park forever. If you use any government funding, then you have to take in whoever comes along?

  5. Bold plan. Guys this has nothing to do with bold plan for housing. This is a bold cover for his personal fight against anybody who doesn’t obey his orders. I spoke to a couple of developers (as hikind suggested I do my own research). Not one said its doable. Not in 2 years nor in 4 years. Building rights, owners agreeing, neighbors lawsuites, zoning changes (dg responsibility but never done), finding contractors, getting plans for a platform strong enough for houses, they all say there is soooo much involved that promising is deceiving and with a timeline is just total dreamland.

  6. We desperately need affordable housing in Boro Park. As for # 3’s point: listen to the interview – Greenfield explained exactly what he did to try and get it done. Good for him for trying again and good for us.

    As for # 6 – you are wrong. I need to live in Boro Park to be close to my family and Rebbe. WE NEED MORE HOUSING.

    It’s sad that Dov Hikind would blast this plan because of “politics.” A real leader would do what David Greenfield did – SUPPORT MORE HOUSING!

  7. “Boro Park is a packed neighborhood already. No one wants 2,000 more housing units here. Politicians assume that people want that”

    The only people who dont want Boro Park to have additional housing are the very wealthy people who can well afford houses and rents for themselves and their children, on Boro Park, with no worries B”H, or those whose children choose to live outside of Boro Park (Litvish), when they get married. Everyone else approves of and is thrilled with Caller’s plan.

  8. Boro park has become UNAFFORDABLE! Anyone up to marrying off our children understand that! We need more affordable housing! The young couples are not managing!!

  9. David Greenfield promised to work on housing when he first came into office in 2010.
    So far he is all talk and no action.
    Caller is running on a promise for more housing which he has no power to deliver, if elected.
    David Greenfield DOES have that power as ‘land use committee chair’ and has done zilch – not for the individual, not for the moisdos, and not for the Klal.

  10. The only people who dont want Boro Park to have additional housing are the very wealthy people who can well afford houses and rents for themselves and their children in Boro Park, with no worries B”H, because of their financial status.

    Everyone else approves of and is thrilled with Caller’s plan!

    Hikind’s kids and Felder’s kids and their buddies who they socialize with, arent interested in living in Boro Park EVER!

    It would be their nightmare and curse to live in Boro Park!

    But, for many young people, its their dream to live in Boro Park!

    Sorry, Mr Hikind and Mr Felder! MOVE OUT OF OFFICE like you recommended those who want to elect Caller move out of the area! What jokesters!

  11. And who will move into these units? ANyone who thinks only frum people is dreaming. Aside from adding congestion, it may also add elements that they don’t expect. You can’t discriminate and any efforts to make it exclusively frum will run into trouble.

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