Watch: New Documentary Shows how Missionaries Seek out Frum Jews

5 Responses

  1. Disgusting. They worship the son of a woman who was married when she conceived by an ‘angel’. They expect people to follow. What a horrible religion. I bet they don’t tell the ‘converts’ how many of their brothers and sisters they killed and tortured through the ages. Muslim=peace, Christianity=love. Chazal tell us that it’s a testament to HKBH’s greatness that He keeps from destroying them here and now.

    Moshiach where are you already???

  2. Missionaries are worse then Nazis. At least Nazis do not target our neshamas. We need more people like Rabbi Tovia Singer to the rescue.

  3. This is so frightening… The Satan… Yasher koach to Brooklyn Jewish Xperience for fighting the battle and educating everyone about this. Funny because I’m not sure which video is more alarming, this one or the one that is on with Malcolm Hoenlein on it.

  4. “We need to combat this threat ASAP.”

    Then support places like BJX, Outreach Judaism and Rabbi Singer, Jews for Judaism and similar groups. Volunteer your time at a counter missionary event (dont do it yourself though, do it under the guidance of experienced anti missionaries). Moaning about it online does nothing.

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