Video Of Interest: Lipa Schmeltzer Performing At Nachal Charedi

13 Responses

  1. to number 3
    is it no wonder that moshiach doesn’t come
    so mizrachi and daati leumi are not jews in your eyes they don’t count?

    you are sick and the problem is thee are thousands like you out there all products of our fine yeshiva system
    who instead of focusing on their internal problems which are many just preach against mizrachi etc to make themselves feel better

  2. Wow yossie4731 cool it!!

    All “Bogen” said was that there arent any chareidi soldiers in a brigade called the nachal “chareidi”,No one is bashing the dati leumi, just pointing out the inconsistency in the name.

    Noone said they “arent jewish”

    You should read twice before accusing others of hate and bigotry.f

  3. #4 Did #3 say that Mizrachi/DL are not Jews? It must be it’s you who thinks they’re not Jews or less Jews than charedim, otherwise you wouldn’t be so offended at Bogen who just wanted to say that they should call themselves “Nachal Daati Leumi” rather than “Nachal Charedi” if there’s nothing charedi about them.

  4. to number 3 and similar people! (btw what are you doing on treif internet, I though it also should not have any haredim)

    Of course there are not too many haredi looking people in there. Chareidim are willing to sit in jail and cause major Hillul Hashem instead of joining the army that provides them the more Heimishe environment than many business places will. The problem is the Rabbonim make the army to look so bad in the eyes of the frum Jews, that they think it’s better to sit in jail rather then serving side by side with fellow brothers (or you may not consider mizrahi or non frum brothers). Shame on you who thinks the same way, and you will get your din one day. Kol Hakovod to Lipa and others who had a courage to stand up with Israel and the IDF, especially now when they needed the chizuk the most.

  5. How does a Chardei soldier dress btw? With a felt hat instead of beret, or white starched shirt instead of green uniform?

    Lipa is genuine Simchah & kol hakavod.

  6. The Torah learning of these soldiers have far more value and is magnified, above and beyond others. They combine Torah learning with protecting Am Yisroel. Everyone should sing their praises, not us it as a forum for machlokes.

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