WATCH: IDF Forces Making Kiddush In Middle Of Combat In Gaza

18 Responses

  1. I do not like chillul Shabbos.
    Some one was mechalel Shabbos to film kiddush.
    Please don’t post such insensitive videos. Etc

  2. You have no idea what you are talking about. These are soldiers on a mission in gaza who took out 30 seconds to make kiddush what type of chillul Shabbos is going on? If anything it’s. A kiddush Hashem!

  3. As you can see in the second half of the video it was still light outside. They probably made kiddush early because they wouldn’t have a chance later. The one who took the video wasn’t mekabel shabbos early.

  4. Why are people assuming chilul Shabbos?

    1) the video may have been taken by one of the Druze or Islamic etc.. Soldiers in the Israeli army.

    2) the soldier making kiddush may have accepted Shabbos early and the video was taken by a Jew that had not yet started Shabbos.(I am not addressing whether in war one should start Shabbos early)

  5. Where is your Yiddishkeit folks? Are you so blind to your Kanoyus that you can’t you be Dan L’Kaf Z’chus? I am positive that it was a Druze member of their unit that took the video.


  6. Moshe Pipik,
    The Chillul Shabbos is the video taking of the event.
    Of course, the one reciting Kiddush may have done so before Shekiyah and whomever filmed it made Kiddush later.
    In fact, that’s probably what happened. We have to be Dan Lechaf Zechus.

  7. And you all pray for geula? Start by giving a kaf Zehout and ayin tova to all our sons out there….geez… ehad lev ehad….Shavua tov to all….

  8. A special Thank you to all of you who were melamed zechus and shame on those that weren’t. In these trying times that we are living through not to mention the 9 days try to find the good in people.

  9. For all those upset with the “possible” chilul shabbos, consider this: the overwhelming majority of boys who serve are not frum. If we want to increase the shmirat mitzvot in the Israeli army, we must let our frum boys join the Tsahal.

  10. This is a tremendous kiddush Hashem and we must look at the good in people, not the bad! How can we expect Hashem to answer our prayers for mash inch if we bash our fellow Jews? Any effort that anyone makes to come close to Hashem is viewed by Hashem as a great action. We must also view it that way.

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