Video Of Interest: Satmar Chassidim Protest the Existence of the State of Israel in Jerusalem

31 Responses

  1. This seems a bit incongruous & contradictory. The Satmarer Rebbe Shlito told his Chassidim to say Tehilim for the people of Eretz Yisroel & yet they are protesting!

    Furthermore, they are using Yerushalmi/Lithuanian pronunciation, not Satmarer/Hungarian pronunciation. Are you sure they are Satmarer Chassidim, or maybe they are some of the Neturei Karta lunatic fringe?

  2. Stupid people do stupid things! We pray that GD gives them some seichel to understand if you don’t like the land “GET OUT”

  3. Just to get this straight. These men are not Satmar. They are a splintered group called Neturei Karts.

    The Satmar Rebbe Zchus Yugein Aleini, never wanted to have anything to do with them. In times of previous wars, as 1967 war, the Rebbe only wanted all his chasidim to say Thilim and learn Tora.

    We daven for the wellbeing of all Jews in Eretz Yisroel and the world.

    Please take off the caption depicting these despicable human beings as Satmar. They are not satmar.

  4. Please don’t call them satmar chasidim. They are a few lone individuals who do not represent anybody besides themselves.

  5. They are such hypocrites!! Wasting precious time from “limud haTorah”! If they hate the State of Israel then move to Iran, I’m sure they will treat them well. Or better yet Hamas will welcome them with open arms.

    And we wonder why Moshiach hasn’t come yet!

  6. the country is at war, innocent yidden are dying and the country is almost on lockdown and these clowns are protesting. if they are so much against the medinah which is doing all that it can to protect all Jews including them may I suggest that they move to lets say gaza or Iran so that they could be amongst their friends.

  7. To the YWN editor:
    You are showing a group of 8 protesters, while you blame the Satmar chasidim as a whole.
    This is NOT the time to instigate hatered between yiden.
    Dont you see that since you added this article 3 more Israeli soldiers were killed ?
    We need more Rachmim in Shumayim and NOT more hatered.
    Please stop this instigation and hurting Klal Yisroel.

  8. These handful of men/boys look like Netura Karta not Satmar. There’s quite a big difference between the two.

    NK in chassidic garb are more like the chiloni Leftists who are out to destroy Israel than Satmar.

  9. To #6 your so called ‘LEADER’ three weeks ago blamed the fathers of the three yeshiva bucharim for their deaths,because they were murdered by Hamas.When you guys hear that HATE from your ‘LEADER’ IT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO HATE Jews.May Hashem have mercy on us and send Messiach NOW!

  10. Why are they protesting in Israel? Why don’t they protest in front of the soldiers in Gaza? Note: these wierdos-who must be the NK always protest in “safe” areas like Israel or NYC 😉 I would doubt that the Palestinians would really come to their aid if they did the same NOW in Gaza!! Throw them to the wolves!

  11. WOW!
    how did they manage to get sooooo many people at their protest demonstration?
    Looks like Satmar has it an all time low, not just morally, but also in attendance.
    I know that I would be embarrassed at this time to be seen at such a demonstration.

  12. Morons.They have zero respect for soldiers who are risking their lives to defend them. They should leave the country

  13. In addition to the misguided people in most of these rallies , who are out with a twisted religious agenda, for some of them this is not really a Religious issue at all ,although they work under that veneer. For example many of those that were originally not religios (of which there are a not insignificant amount) are nothing more than college brainwashed leftist Israel haters. This is their way of adhering to their newly found religioun , without having to give up their deeply indoctrinated leftist views.They make a fusion of Judaism with their twisted world ideology. Yet others have other motivations for this :plain cowardice. They believe they could save their own skin from Arab wrath by selling out the rest of the Jews . Similar to many Juuderat members in WW2. And just like their predessecors in that infamous orginization , of course it would’nt help these misguided crazies either .

  14. can someone please answer this for me. They iive in Israel right? who provides them electricity and water? and basic services? but my real question is, when rockets come raining down on their apt. in Meah Shearim (CV) what do they do next? rent their garments.? What are they protesting? if its the medinah, should we not have one? should we live under British Mandate? or Arab rule? What do they feel is the right way? just curious, In the most basic of terms, does it not bother them that Jews are being killed?

  15. I am appalled by the sinas chinam expressed in so many of the comments here, not (sadly) that that is unusual. Equally as sad is that those same people fail to realize that when you resort to ad hominem attacks it usually means you have no other (i.e. rational) argument.

    Let me give an example. Facing facts, most Jews in America are completely secular. They never attend shul (even a reform “temple”) and support things like gay marriage and abortion on demand. The conservative and reform movements have gay and women “rabbis,” mixed seating etc. Assuming that the people posting here are orthodox, how many of you oppose these things? Hmmm? I thought so.

    Does that mean, for example, that you HATE reform Jews? Or is it possible that you LOVE your fellow Jews, regardless of how far they have gone astray, but DO hate the IDEOLOGY that has lead them astray?

    Whether these protesters are Satmar or, yes, even NK is irrelevant. What IS relevant is to understand that what motivates them is ahavas yisroel: they oppose zionism because they believe zionism is bad for Jews — just as many of you SUPPORT zionism because you believe it is GOOD for Jews.

    (Hoping a little light bulb just went off in your heads: “hey, maybe it IS possible to be wrong but still have the RIGHT motivations”)

    You may disagree with someone and that is your right. Then make your case. You may agree with them in principal but disagree with their methods. Fine. Again, make your case. But if all you can do is call names then I submit it is YOU who is the rasha

  16. IDK who these people are, but in my experience, there’s a tendency to label all anti-Zionist frum Jews as “Satmar”, which is an approach that’s about as far from reality as you can get. Obviously, there’s Satmar, but there’s also NK, breakaway/phony “NK”, Toldos Aharon, Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok, Brisk, etc etc.

  17. TorasMosheEmess absolutely correct. And remember that when Jews in Iran are tried for treason, it is the NK that are able to save them from certain death.

  18. To #20 YOU have the chutzpa to call yourself TorasMosheEmess nothing about what you wrote is TorasMosheEmess .A chillul Hashem is a very big sin, any time someone who looks like a Yid does something against the Torah in public it is a chillul Hashem .We can have different of opinions with each other BUT we DO NOT DO IT IN PUBLIC .Any time someone makes a Chillul Hashem we must speak laud to say this is NOT the ways of the Torah.Remember the reason the second Beis Hamkdash was destroyed ,NO ONE SPOKE when A JEW was humiliated .

  19. Following torasmoshemes id like to make clear that satmar distence himself from nk for two main reasons;
    Protesting WITH palestinans or the like, sounds like u want or u support killig jews R’L( even if nk never said that) but the iker reason is because u make the whole satmar shitte look like a crazy thing from a sect or an occult cult to the jewish world wich had already hard to believe reb Yoel zatsal, they made it worse.

  20. verizon49:

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I am truly humbled by your comments. If I may ask, just to clarify: in your sage opinion, how is calling fellow Jews, in public (this IS a public forum, no?), with whom you disagree “morons,” “stupid,” “twisted” and so forth the ways of Torah?

    Given your obviously broad knowledge of yiddishkeit, I would be delighted to learn your sources from rishonim, achronim and gedolim.

  21. Can someone please point to me in writing someplace where the Satmar Rav wrote that we should be mispallel for Eretz Yisroel (during a war or not) as a commentator wrote. Or show me where he distanced himself from Neturei Karta.
    The Satmar Rav wrote a lot. If he felt it, he must have written it.

  22. verizon49: If you want to talk about chilul hashem, maybe go after all those who say Israel should nuke or carpet bomb Gaza. It’s those wackos who are giving Judaism a bad name.

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