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WATCH: Delusional Spokeswoman for PLO Claims Hamas Rockets are Primitive and Not Dangerous

9 Responses

  1. She’s not delusional. She is calculated and deceptive but not delusional. This entire video is intended to weaken the support that moderates in the US have for Israel. This has been ongoing since at least 1967 and has been the main foreign propaganda tactic of the Arabs in “Palestine.” At first, the claims seem somewhat outrageous but as time goes on, slowly but surely, the falsehoods start to be seen as facts. It takes time, but it works. And seeing people like this as delusional only serves their intentions better. We dismiss them but don’t combat them. It’s a poor tactic and one that has been used effectively by these reshaim and, I dare say, even in our own political reality here in the US (albeit to a lesser degree).

  2. Yup!
    Because Israel is so secretive in its methodology it’s always behind the 8 ball in PR. This delusional woman trained to be so convincing ant the world which has Sinaas Yisroel to near 100% perfection will buy her story!

  3. Will all the paranoid kvetchers who claim thar the media is antisemetic now admit that CNN is maybe not the biased anti Israel outfit they thought it was.

  4. Some of them are indeed primitive. But that does not mean that they are not dangerous. There is probably no weapon of mass destruction more primitive than a Molotov cocktail yet it has been highly successful both at stopping tanks in warfare (the Finns used them against the Soviet Union in WW2) and as a terror weapon all over the world.

    If someone wants to be anti-Israel, fine. I pity their poor decision, but that is their opinion. HOW CAN SOMEONE BLATANTLY DENY THE TRUTH??????? WHEN CONFRONTED WITH FACTS SHE JUST DODGES THE QUESTION AND GOES OFF ON SOME RANT THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE!!!!
    The even scarier thing is; she is an attorney and for PLO spokeswoman. If this is what their “intelligent” people sound like, I don’t even want to know what the majority of them are like!!!!!

    Hey, “CrazyKanoiy”; CNN is very “Anti-Israel”. The only thing is, anyone with even a 1/4 brain cannot say right now that Israel is at fault so they are forced to be “pro-Israel.

  6. The other thing to consider is that the dibs don’t have enough people who can speak CLEAR AND SIMPLE english. Gevald, they all sound like the have marbles in their mouth. The only exception is Natanyahu but he’s a bit busy now.

  7. Another arab liar. They wouldn’t know the truth if it fell on their head. They are genetically not able to tell the truth.

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