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Video Of Interest: Watch This Irreligious Store Owner In Israel Give TV Remote To Charedi Man Asking To Make Phone Call

13 Responses

  1. This is a set up to ridicule charedi Jews as this man looks and acts like a BT or better yet as a non-Jew masquerading as charedi.

  2. Is this for real? Even the most out of touch Chareidim would know a TV remote from a cellphone, although they might not have a clue on the details of how to place a call. I suspect this video could be setup to make Chareidim look silly.

  3. If that was real, that’s downright cruel to the old man. There’s the famous joke about the Chassidish guy going to a hardware store asking to buy a “television” (aka microwave), but that should stay in the realm of humorous fiction – not at the detriment of a real, live Chassidish elderly man who just wanted to make a phone call.

  4. One Question that should have us all thinking.

    What do you think will be the reaction to this video in shamayim after this store owner reaches 120?

    Oy lanu lyom hadim, oy lanu lyom hatochacha, was never more appropriate.

    Just a thought.

  5. #1, if this joke were played on some Afghan or Bedouin, you’d laugh your head off. But when the tables are turned , it must be a set up

  6. The video is ancient and if anyone knows by looking at the video and having lived in Yerushalayim then one would know which store it took place in. The owner is not anti charedim just the opposite he is shomer shabbos and the shop is the busiest one in the area. I would tell you exactly which one it is bit it would probably get fire bombed by idiots.

  7. Video of “interest” to who??? People that enjoy making fun of Yidden??

    On Erev Shavuos? from a “frum” website??

    What happened to K’ Ish Echod B’ Lev Echod?!?!?

    oy vey!!

  8. Look at it in a different light. Here is a man who has kept to shmiras einayim so well, he doesn’t even know what a remote IS. Wouldn’t we also like to be this pure?

  9. #9 poshiter yid:
    I know which store this is. I shop there all the time. While the owner is a very nice man and wears a kipa while in the store. Meet him and his brothers/sons on yaffo and you’ll see they’re kipaless. Like many non frum store owners in geula. They wear the kipa to attract their customers. I do think though that they didn’t mean to be rude. They’re extremely nice people. They may have wanted to make a joke that fell flat.

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