Video Of Interest: Yeshiva Merkaz HaRav Marks Yom Yerushalayim; Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Guest Speaker

7 Responses

  1. what kind of ‘yeshivah’ is this where all shave in sefiru and listening to music in sefiru!

    Moderators Response: Have you ever heard of people holding different parts of Sefira? Obviously not. It’s time to crawl out of your cave. Start with a Mishna Berurah.

  2. yermia:
    That’s your kasha? As the Moderator pointed out, this is not a problem for those who held the “first sefirah”.

    A better question is what Yeshiva would invite a non-religious person to be a featured speaker for what is to them a religious celebration (as opposed to dinners, etc.)?

    But, of course, this Yeshiva is a main center of “Religious Zionism”, which is, as is well known from Rav Elchonon and others, “Religion mixed with Avoda Zara” or “a drop of Torah mixed into a sea of heresy”.

    So these questions are, therefore, not questions.

  3. HaKatan, are you implying that it would be ok to have a non-religious person be a featured speaker at a dinner?

    How do you differentiate when it is allowed to associate with Frei Yidden and when it isn’t?

    Please enlighten us when you get a chance, thank you!

  4. To those that cant seem to handle this honor- Keep In mind Yakov BOWED to Essau father of EDOM 7 times, go learn your basic DERECH ERETS and have some courtesy to the Malchut and power of authority leading at hand.

  5. A better question is what Yeshiva would invite a non-religious person to be a featured speaker for what is to them a religious celebration (as opposed to dinners, etc.)? — This chag is a national day with religious connotations, pays to check out the newspapers and see who gets honored by who. Jews, Non Jews, etc. and etc.

    BTW there are halachas that you are probably not aware of for respect/honor to a President, Prime Minister, King, Monarchy, etc. whether we share their mission or not!!

    Bibi speaks a beautiful ivrit and great to listen for practice…

  6. I find it interesting that none of you can find it in your heart to say something nice when the prime minister acknowledges that without torah we are nothing, yet when the yeshiva (which btw is full of guys that would never dream of wasting their time for things like does something you can make fun of your heart is jumping to insult and hurt. indeed, where is your heart?

  7. “Chilled” you are quite right when it comes to not criticizing and making fun. But as for Bibi saying that without Torah we are nothing – he is a hypocrite who says one thing when it suits him and the opposite when that suits him better. He is trying to close down chareidi yeshivas and as such he should not have been invited to speak in a Yeshiva

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